Monday, April 13, 2009

the monsters ballin

it's true i've made nothing of my life and i'm guilty and useless and need to be needed but who needs someone who isn't anyone but needs to be someone so when i saw they were talking and reading and asking yet wondering what means 2+2 i told them four but they said no and got real angery saying i was dangery and said it was nun of my busy-ness and go away for the ever and die and then die some more and i wondered why and asked them why but they spoke no more so i asked some others is 2 plus 2 not four but heads turned away to never see me so then never hear me so be i must not and they dreamed me gone but i was still here or i thought i was cuz now i don't know what i know because i thought i knew but they said no one's true especially you so i wondered if i should say two plus two is five but then who would be i and should i be i and i want to be i but how to be i?

i ran to places no one wants cuz men sickly fare and the restroom was bare but i am not bare so even this not for me and words on walls spoke of girls not free but free's what i have but i read them to see when cops car screeches to caught me and they were angrys and detesting me for years and years and i should get what they got coming to them and laughed at my chains and under the light asks if i wants to show boners and i said never but they said i read the girls words with numbers in hand so i must be a liar who should be in forever and whatever i said must not be true so i told them yes i want to show boners so a woman came cuz she never came to protest me calling me perverts telling me jails too good for me and when i said i had to be free she scorned as philosophy and she did not know what she needed so how could i and i was a liar anyway so what did it matter and when i called her a monster she said only a monster would call her a monster.

then i searched for their ears but they all disappears and sad eyes rolled in their heads and they put hells in my beds with no lie unsaid so wheres the hope in that and they said where is the hope in not that and when i cried they hoped i lied and when i died they feared i lied and when i fried they swore i lied and they hated me for their lying and dying and frying so they tried to choke me because they said they need not to breathe and no one could be better than they and monsters ruled the world but they were not monsters but the world must be safe for monsters because of their mobsters and who can defy the mobsters and my future was theirs when they have no future but futures for monsters must be and thats why two plus two could never be four cuz that means monsters no more.

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