Thursday, September 21, 2023

Baby, You're A Con Man

Yes I so wish to be
One of the beautiful people;
No one can know who I am
My life is one long scam.

"Have you taken your lies very far?"
Far as the eye can see;
Yes I so wish to be
One of the beautiful people.

"Have you seen in your mirror?"
Often enough to know;
"What did you see when you were there?"
Nothing I can let show.

They think I'm a rich man!
They think I'm a smart man!
And a businessman, it's true!
Hiding my real face in a big brown bag
Like winners do
That's what we do!

Yes I so wish to be
One of the beautiful people!

If your whole life is rot
But others think it is not;
Then you need never change!
No matter how you get strange!

Born a natural liar
I burn with my pants on fire!
But I'm happy when I find
I can live inside your mind!

They think I'm a rich man!
They think I'm a smart man!
And a businessman, it's true!
Hiding my real face in a big brown bag
Like winners do
That's what they do!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Is This Really Happening

Are we really
going to FUBAR this planet?

Are we really
keeping not feeding everyone?

Are we really
poisoning the air we breathe and the water we drink?

Are we really
not helping the weak and defenseless?

Are we really
rising nation against nation?

Are we really
not speaking our love?

Are we really doing this?

We live in a time to be forgotten.
By our fruits they shall know us.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Prison Quiet

Every night the same nightmare. Over and over again, never to be escaped. I can't adequately describe the nightmare in which I was trapped, it's too soul-curdling to repeat.

And it wasn't even my nightmare. It was Ritchie's, my cellmate.

But I had to listen to it. To hear his wails from the depths of hell, terror striking so deep it tapped into the worst human fears; he'd wake up covered in sweat, his sheets stained beyond repair.

Over time I learned the details, even though the circumstances he described could never be lived.

Ritchie's a Formula 1 driver, wearing a suffocating suit and suffocating helmet, as required. He has a wreck, he's sealed in the car, seat belts fused together; cut off and alone, doomed without recourse.

And he's on fire. But not any fire, an alcohol fire which no one can see. Communications with the pit severed in the wreck.

He's crippled, unable to move, to reach out, buried alive, burning to death right before his eyes, screaming at the top of his lungs and help - if any help is possible - is too far away.

To this day I cannot watch that type of racing. I can't take the chance on seeing Ritchie's nightmare come true and that somehow I'd live it too.

At the time, I thought it was a metaphor for his being in prison: condemned in a helpless hell, drowning in torment. After all, Ritchie had never done any sort of racing in his life.

Man, was I wrong on that. And the truth is more frightening than what I ever imagined.

For you see, Ritchie's sentence ended and he was to be set free. I still had time to do but was happy be rid of his nightly wailing and actually happy so miserable a creature could at last have a chance to heal.

On the day of his departure, though, he was curiously quiet but went through the motions of a man on his way out. Then came time to leave.

Ritchie refused.

I literally saw him sit on his bunk and softly say, "I'm not leaving,"in the most determined resolve

I thought I was in a movie or something. Maybe being pranked. I was too gobsmacked to speak as the guard grabbed him by the arm to lead him out.

Like a violent animal, Ritchie yanked back, retreating to the farthest corner of the bunks, gripping the frame as if he were hanging from a pole ten stories high.

Another guard came and they began to pull him out.

"No! No! I'm trapped! I'm trapped! Someone get me out of here! God help me! God help me, please!"

Prisoners within earshot were as shocked as I was. I sensed a silence in the cells I've never heard before or since.

I saw the look of frozen fear on Ritchie's face. It's something you don't forget. I saw a man being tossed off a thousand foot cliff and heard him scream all the way down.

That's the only way I can describe Ritchie's being dragged out of there as I heard his squalling down the corridor to the prison exit.

Worst part was, afterwards no one wanted to talk about it, or even mention it. Were some remarks I heard at the time. "Dangdest thang I ever saw!" and what not. But that was it.

Not even the guards gossiped about it. It was as if Ritchie had touched something unmentionable in every man's soul.

Took a good while for me to get to the bottom of it. I had to let the truth seep in slowly to be able to absorb it. And when I had, I swore I'd never publicly speak of it.

You see, Ritchie lived with an unexpressed soul. He never once didn't lie about his feelings and couldn't stop himself - or find a way out. It was all this desperate creature knew to do.

Being in prison was his way of expressing that. His incarceration was his way of communicating his true life. But who the hell in this Godforsaken planet can even understand his dilemma, much less address it?

He'd always pretended to be the "happy child" for his parents from what I gathered. Maybe he never stopped the lying, forever wrecking his life and prospects in the process. Dear God!

No person here is going to speak of that crime. In fact, Ritchie's exit and the tale thereof changed the entire culture of the prison. Veterans of other prisons remark on the "strangeness" of this place.

Who do we blame for this tragedy? Ritchie? His parents? An unforgiving world? God himself?

Nature is bigger than all of us. Ritchie forced that consciousness on our souls as we dwell now in somber anticipation of our own day of reckoning.

God help us all.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Shortcut

Don't ask me about God, life, the universe, the world, fate, deception, the devil - anything.

I know nothing.

Not how the sun rises or the sun sets. How the world spins around. How the moon is white or why stars are in the sky.

I know nothing.

So please know this going in.

For decades now I've had The Card. I found it at what was then the lowest point in my life, ready to give up and let cruel fate take my life.

I was working as a janitor in a newspaper building. I'd pick up after the reporters, listening to their banter, hearing lives I could never lead.

Like school, jobs are not for me. I take whatever takes the least out of me. But there's no future in that. Time to depart the planet.

That's when I found The Card tucked inside an envelope out by the back dumpster as I was throwing out the nightly trash behind the building.

It was an ATM card with a sticky note attached with the PIN.

Like in a movie, I looked around, then stuffed it inside my back pocket, unsure of what I was going to do.

"Maybe God doesn't want me to die, after all..." I mused.

Couldn't hurt to test it. No need to take any money. Just check the balance. No doubt it's a dead account, emptied long ago.


I did it twice just to be sure but that was the balance printed on the receipt. Enough money for a lifetime!

My head was buzzing like a bee hive. The daily limit at that time was $200. I could easily live off that and then some.

And a person with 12 million dollars wouldn't miss a measly 200 bucks. Not if I did it just once.

"Transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience."

Frankly, I'd been suspicious had it worked that easily. Every shortcut comes with a price. But the ATM telling me "no" just made me want the money all the more.

First, I swore I'd tell no one of this card (That Which Can Not Be Told). What I didn't know at the time (or wanted to know) is that is when something possesses you.

No telling what someone might do for 12 million dollars. I began to withdraw from friends and acquaintances. After all, they can't pay my rent. The Card can.

Or could it? I kept getting the same message over and over. I checked the balance but it never changed. I tried various machines from different banks. Same result.

I became obsessed, a hermit researching banking rules and ATM networks, driving me to hysterics.

"First God wants me to live by giving me this card, but it's only a tease to further drive me into despair so God wants me to die after all!"

Part of me just wanted to let go and be free, turning the card into the bank. I wouldn't try to pretend it's mine or make any claims. Just return it and be done.

But then another Monday would roll along at my soul-destroying job and made me all the more determined to get that money in what turned into a wrestling match with the universe.

I heard a message from a preacher telling me the devil wants me to give up, to forego the blessings I deserve. Yes, I should be a person of faith, not doubt!

Turning in the card would make me feel better, bringing me relief from this weight I carry. But it was also a relief to know that that was the devil talking and I need have no qualms about taking that money - all of it.

Being saved means never having to say you're sorry.

So I trudged on for more years, always saying to myself the next time would be the breakthrough, keep the faith, be strong, never break. Failure ensued each time.

Then I started getting sick. It was like each try took something out of me, stinging me, draining me. I figured it was another tool of the devil to deter me.

It came down to simple survival in the end. I was at the tipping point of even being healthy enough to hold a job. Give the damn card back and let the world know what a failure I am in both spiritual and worldly terms.

I did note on the drive to the bank my spirits starting to lift - but I wasn't giving in to that! I was sorely bitter how things turned out, proving the curse of my life. Come clean and be saved! Bullshit! All hope is now lost.

I was left sitting in the chair of the bank lobby, cameras trained on me from all directions, as the woman took the card into another room to check it out.

Part of me wanted to rush out as a creeping panic told me I'd be arrested for my many thousands of attempts at theft. I could just see the woman coming back with an accusing voice and making a spectacle of me.

When she comes back everyone will be alerted to what a failure your life has been, trying to take a shortcut you failed to make work, passing on true treasures.

Right then, there was nothing more I wanted in all the world than a friend. It was a gaping, gnawing feeling swallowing me whole. I almost literally cried out.

Naturally, it was during this absorbed, vulnerable moment the woman returned to the desk in front of me before I could even think to leave. I'm sure the look on my face was not pleasant.

The suited woman was actually somewhat excited, though, explaining how the account had been locked for 25 years after the owner had passed away shortly after opening it.

She asked for my name and address in case the estate wanted to offer a reward. But maybe this was all a clever trick by her to be able to track me down later for the police.

They could dig deeper and find out I'm not the good Samaritan they think I am but I figured it would be too suspicious not to give my info. I did debate giving a false name tho.

Next couple of months I heard nothing, feeling a fool for giving my real name, more sure by the day cops would come banging on my apartment door to haul me in for questioning. I had no idea from right or left or up and down.

Sure enough, a knock came on my door. I peeked through to see an official uniform. I'm caught and going to die, at last.

It was the postman, asking me to sign for a registered letter.

Inside was a check for 1.2 million dollars, ten percent of the account. I fell to my knees.

I could have been living a completely different life the past 25 years. I bought my first brand new car yesterday but all I could think of was the love and friends I'd lost and the true price I paid.

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Her Ethereal Eyes

This endless mystery
of Fascination

Unguarded outposts
of Revelation

Drowning in dreams
of Speculation

Daring a bridge
to Communication

Has left me spellbound
in Captivation

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Olaf, The "Sculpture"

Olaf, if nothing else, is a true believer. There is a belief inside him that is unshakable, impervious to any outside influence. He just knows.

I'll give him that much.

Olaf is a sculptor (But if you ask him he'll say he's a sculpture as he always gets the two words confused. If you point it out he'll agree with you but next time you see him he'll be switching 'sculptor' and 'sculpture' all over again.)

And he'll tell you he's working on the greatest piece in history. A piece that will save mankind, altering our perception of reality, so that we can see what we think is impossible is actually possible and the world can live as one forever.

Sounds impressive!

When I asked to see it he says he's needing only one final breakthrough for it to be completed. And it has, in fact, been decades in the making. I tell him I want to see it anyways.

Olaf obliges me and we head through a secret corridor into an enclosed room with a door saying "My Eyes Only".

He proudly points to the piece, informing me it's called, "Portal To The Gods."

That's when I discover why it's taking so long to complete. Olaf is trying to fit an oversized square into a round hole.

I instinctively react: "That will never work!" It slips out before I stop to think of Olaf's response to my negative review.

But he's simply standing there, wholly unmoved, smiling at me like I'm child who has yet to learn. I knew I was right no doubt about it, but that smile really bothered me.

"It's OK. I've heard that all my life. But there's nothing you can know that can't be known."

"That's fine. I just don't see the point of it."

"You will after the breakthrough! Then no one will ever be sure again of what they "know". It will open minds for all time!"

"But of course. Good luck with that! I just don't see how it can ever work."

"Of that I have no doubt!" Then he gave another of his Cheshire smiles.

"OK, I really don't get what's going on here."

"It is because you think there's no other way but the way you see." I shrug my shoulders in agreement. "Look at the world around you! You think it has to be this this way and this way only?"

"Perhaps not, but - "

"It's not comfortable, is it, having your beliefs challenged, that someone may know something you do not, leaving you to feel foolish, that perhaps you live your life in vain."

"I have to admit I could have an angry reaction to that. It's just not the case here," I heard myself saying.

"But it is! If we simply let Nature take its course, each life will have direction and purpose and the sorrow of the world will disappear."

"Wow, now that's really crazy! In order to make a society run you have to have rules and regulations, economic and political policies, a standing army and ways to kill people. There's no other way. That's as certain as your square not fitting in that round hole."

"Ah, but you have all those things now, is that not true?"

"Thank God! What else would we do?"

"And is it working?"

Well, crap, no one complains about the world more than I do. He had me in a spot. Still, I did not want to admit he was right.

"Not yet. These things take time."

"So you're saying things are headed in the right direction."

Dammit. Got me again.

"Maybe not now but we can always change course."

"But of course. Good luck with that! Why change when you believe there's no other way?"

There was something very unsettling about this conversation and that made me angry. I got the feeling Olaf was trying to say we suffer for no reason. But how can the world be such a miserable place and something so good be true?

"I'm sorry, Olaf. That's too terrible to think about. I'm just not a believer."

I got another famous smile. "You don't have to be for it to be true."