Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day Is For Losers

Leaves hate not the wind;
Souls who contend with nature
Bring war to the world.

You really think angry souls
will save the environment?

You really believe greedy souls
will save the environment?

You really hope warring souls
will save the environment?

We call this "spreading freedom".

We call this "good business".
We call this "solving problems".

History will be merciless in its mockery of us. We didn't create Earth Day because we care about this planet, we created it because we don't care. But no matter how much we propagate, our deeds will long outlive us and speak far louder. "When man stops raping his soul, he'll stop raping the land - and not before." You may call that philosophy - but you know it to be reality. There's no fixing this planet without fixing ourselves first.

You shall not make for yourself an idol
You shall not bow down to them or worship them
for I the Lord your God am a jealous God

There is no serving this...

and also serving this.

To do so is to choose death. Remember that when Hell Without Recourse comes to visit - we chose it.

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