Saturday, April 25, 2009

In The Shadow I Saw

I spied a Mighty Man
Who bled both red and yellow;
Slapped by God's own hand
He stood a withered fellow.

Drinking of his bottled fears,
A figure easy mocked;
I saw in his glass-held tears
A ship who never docked.

Alone, aloof on no man's street,
Sneering noses for his act;
But casting down below his feet
Shadow shows a truer fact.

Fiery words he doth speak,
The world, his hung jury;
A living freedom he doth seek
With power of Truth's fury.

Unshackled are the living dead
To see a world impure;
Moaning of his dreams unsaid:
To live them is the cure.

If holy rain poured from the Sky
And cleansed away his sin,
Even the most clouded eye
Sees the flower of within.

Shouting prophet on the hill -
Deaf ears knew the truth they wanted;
I see him in my mind's eye still -
And how silence left him haunted.

I gave him to find his true path -
That's when the world'll listen;
None hear a man who needs a bath
And on the lamppost he be pissin'.

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