Monday, December 30, 2019

You're On Trial Too, Nimrod

There is no more maligned group on the planet than those who believe this. The overwhelming majority either believe the truth has no value or is their enemy. That's how the liars have ascended to power. That's the proof we live in a godless world. They think that by betraying the truth, i.e. God, they can save themselves - religion by any other name.

So when the Liar-In-Chief, aka the Most Evil Man In America, goes on trial, our allegiance to the truth will also be put on trial. Many of us can't wait to actually cheer a liar who gets away with kidnapping, rape, and murder. I don't want any of those happening to me. Seems some people want that to happen to them - or at least they vote for it anyway. And somehow they think that makes them clever. You "win" - huh, losers?

But if we think the truth has value, if we face the fact truth is the only way forward, if we really believe truth is God, then we must fight with all our hearts to defend the truth. So we are going to find out if we are who we claim we are. This isn't one person's trial, but a nation's. And if we squander this opportunity, there will be hell to pay. Laugh now, cry later. Betray yourself at your own risk.

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