Sunday, January 05, 2020

Do You Know An Expert?

Only for us winners!

See, there's like this shooter video game and I go into like God-mode and then like no one and nothing can kill me! Totally awesome. You got monsters and snipers and giant spiders and everything after you but they always lose. They so dumb it funny! I'm like wiping them out all over the place.

I see these other guys playing and getting shot and killed like all the time. Hilarious! I told them I'm expert-god-superman and never get killed. They not believe me. Sooo jealous! I got skillz they only dreaming about not even knowing of God-mode ultra secret that only us geniuses can know. I'm part of elite special forces group kicking ass in the universe. We know best!

What really funny is these libtards dying for no reason! Can you believe it?? Them knowing about God-mode but choosing on their own not to use it. What kind of crazy nuts is that? There's dumb and then there's just plain ol' retards. Hard to imagine what some people thinking sometimes. They just gotta think they better then everyone else! But they only kidding themselves, haha!!

I was talking with my cool supersmart friends other night and we was saying how like the Nazis actually was really winning the war and only why they lost is they stopped fighting. Just keep on doing it! I never quit when I in God-mode - like not ever! That what make me the best. It just like these retards crying over environment and fires and crap like that. Losers! Just go on and have a good time! If you be a winner then nothing to worry about!

When you so good they have to change law to keep you out!!

I'm just shaking my head wondering why I even got to explain this stuff. So obvious!! Do you people just want to lose?? Is that it? Must be! I win every time. Experts like us are laughing at you morons behind your backs. You just got no sense of sense. It's like you got no idea what real is. Sorry, can't help you! Just going to have to find out for yourselves! Don't be crying to me when things not work out like you dummies think!!

That why I like the President so much. We the same! He expert on everything! It's like, so amazing! Can you hear him talking? He knows everything about everything! Stupid libtards always so angry cause they always wrong! Just like when they get mad when they get killed in videos. It their own fault!! It your own fault when you not agree with greatest President of all your time! He just gonna make everything better and better and better.

It's good to be a winner. I totally like debates because I'm always right! Most people throw up hands and get mad and run away cause they can't take it! Hilarious! When you walk around knowing nothing thinking you knowing something - that why you getting mad! Actually, that what screwing up the whole world! Thank God-mode there still some of us knowing what is what. Rest of you losers, deserve what you get - no matter how bad it is. You're own fault!

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