Friday, September 18, 2009

A Gentle Japanese Rain

Bamboo eaves drip pleasantly
to a world so silent every droplet's heard
from a gentle Japanese rain.

Cleansing waters come softly landing
blindly on their path to a planet
whether life or death its course.

Grey clouds glide gloomless and free
bringing Nature's kiss
in ultimate Faith and Love.

Sounds of the steady splash,
tears of an unknown soul,
an ancient smell of life this ere the dawn of man.

Rain's song of carressing comfort
sings in sinless purity
while the rhythm leaves my heart.

In my retreat to lonely love
I see a green leaf sprouting true
adopting the raindrop celebration.

Sliding slowly to leafy edge's doom
the drop holds form and character
as I know only this transient time.

Raindrop and leaf meet in eternal peace,
friends breathing universal dreams.
How clear the harmony of the heavens!

Too late opens the blind man's eye
shut by earthly fury and fright
as his body's execution draws nigh.

Was I condemned before my worldy birth?
What more kisses have I missed?
What means regret in the shadow of the hangman's noose?

Thank you gentle raindrop friend.
How were you to know you fell to a condemned man's fate?
Sharing in my shame before my leafy edge doom.

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