Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Song Unsung

"I think I had met my match, he was singing"
Sara - Fleetwood Mac

I did a posting previously on Sidney Reilly but I didn't exactly say why, posing it as just a point of interest. Truth was, when I read about Sidney, I was reading about me, right down to the Japanese and Napoleonic fetishes, contempt for the world and the need for manipulation. In everything he did I saw myself.

I'm always falling into the fallacy of manipulation. It's just ingrained in me that that is the way to get things done. Debby taught me differently. I would try to be coy or tricky and she was completely guileless. When I saw her reaction I was ashamed of myself. She didn't say a word of reprimand and probably didn't even notice my own disingenuousness. But she showed me the true way to be.

Debby had a lot to teach me - and I her. We were good for each other. It has been said that God sends us the people we need. Of all the people I've met or even heard about, she's my only mental match. I couldn't outfox her - then I found out I didn't want to. I was healing and learning and growing with her presence. To spend my life with Debby would be to fulfill all my dreams. I still carry the nuggets of wisdom she gave me and remember them when I fall back into my wicked ways. Echoes of a song never sung.

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