Sunday, July 23, 2006

They Tried To Give Me A Pill

They tried to give me a pill.
When I told them my soul was dying
They tried to give me a pill.
I was in a place of neglect,
Old linoleum and ripped apart furniture
Told you all you needed to know.
It was the Official Place for help,
A place for Sterilization.
I sat listening to a girl.
She was telling of times before.
The food is bad she said,
Get out when you can.
I was waiting for my turn
To be Processed.
I was in fear for my life.
SHE was leaving.
I was grieving.
I told them this sorrow
And they understood.
He was losing his support structure,
He needed her.
The answer
Is a pill.
A pill to love and laugh with,
To look into its eyes
And see the future.
A pill to have sex with,
To hate and argue with.
If you couldn't have HER
Have a pill.
You people are a nightmare.

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