Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Homeless bastard wins lottery!

So...what would happen if Mr. Ich Bin Ein Berliner here won the lottery, if I got my own Get Out of Hell Free card? Would all crusades cease? Or, in the immortal words of Hans Gruber, would he be content to merely be "sitting on the beach earning 20%"? Fuck yeah!

It would happen like this:
  1. Declare myself Shogun of Texas.
  2. Head to the Maserati dealership.
  3. Print up 25 shirts saying, "Fuck you, I'm rich".
  4. Buy at least five places to live.
  5. Spend a year on Thunder Island.
  6. Build a Japanese castle.
  7. List my occupation as Dreamer on tax form.
  8. Massive funding for prisoner rights.
  9. Hate myself for losing Debby.
  10. Still be homeless...

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