Monday, January 02, 2006

Free speech for morons too

I got this from an alleged "conservative" blog (as we know from a previous posting there is no such thing as a conservative) :

I feel that Americans need to have the experience of suffering, so that they can have a greater understanding of the world.

Wow, isn't that the same thing terrorists say? (or is she just a bleeding heart conservative?)

OK, lady, gimme your address and I'll come over with a baseball bat to enlighten your ass. First I'll smash up all your precious possessions, then I'll knock you around a bit just to make sure you see the light. Because, yeah, there just aint enough suffering in this world. Think of it as a bout of conservative compassion. Moron.

See, there are two types of people in the world: those who believe in helping people and those who believe in hurting people. Of course, perverts like the person above will say they are helping you by hurting you. Please, spare me that kind of "help".

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