Sunday, March 15, 2020

Living In The Immaterial World

Day Of Reckoning
The time when one is called 
to account for one's actions

"Dat shit ain't happening to me." Yeah, Igor, we know. We've heard it all before: we don't reap what we sow. Fairy tales rule the day. Though not realized yet, this century is our Day Of Reckoning. We pray for corn while having planted cotton. But as the seeds of our past come to fruition, we're forced to eat the bad fruit they bear. For that, we will receive no sympathy nor relief from our Maker. We were warned and not only ignored that warning but ridiculed it and called it ungodly. Oh, my.

As Pharaoh of old, we will endure many plagues of many varieties meant to soften our hard hearts. Those who say they will have to pry the money system from their cold dead hands will have exactly that happen. Our current plague is a literal virus but others are rising from our poisoned soil of lies to test our fealty to Truth. Each country's suffering will be determined by how hard it clings to its lies. Doesn't bode well for America! Babble on, Babylon! See where your politics gets you with Nature.

Why is it I almost never hear "get healthier" as a solution to the Carona virus? It's all "Go hide in a cave until it goes away!" Literally. And of course, the ones proponing that are the ones who also refuse to suffer that. They just selfishly want others to go away so they themselves won't catch ill. How sweet! How "socially responsible"! There's just no bottom to the insanity. We are headed in the wrong direction and things won't get better until we change course. And what's truly horrific about a stupid and stubborn people is that we keep making incompetent decisions as "proof" that it's OK to do so!

So I ask: How many days of reckoning will there be?

"I don't believe it! I got shot!"

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