Monday, May 29, 2006

They Shoot Liberals, Don't They? (Part 1)

"Goddam liberal!" The old man sitting on the corner just couldn't get over it. "He's a goddam liberal!"

In this meeting of the mindless, no greater crime could be committed. The presence of the Liberal had become unbearable. His words kept ringing in their ears, driving them mad. The Voice of Panic could not be quelled. They all agreed: the Liberal must be destroyed.

"He's an agent of destruction. No doubt about it, he'll destroy everything we've built," said one who believed a new order must be found.

"What I want to know is: who the fuck does he think he is? Think about it! Who is he to comment on the world we have made?" said one with no faith in himself.

"Exactly! Is this not the greatest country on earth? Have we not been chosen for this honor because we are God's people? We cannot let this man continue to spread his gifts!" said one who regretted his lying.

"He's a madman with no regard for the truth. You saw how he attacked us - literally! Our institutions of business, the legitimate trade of commerce, condemned by a truth teller," said one who saw no purpose in his life.

"Goddam liberal!" confirmed the old man, wearing only a diaper.

A violent silence fell on the room. These silly wankers believed themselves men of fraud so their mores and their livelihoods must be preserved at any cost. The gall of that man! Things would be fine if he'd just shut the hell up! This Liberal among them was their worst nightmare. Now they would give him his worst nightmare.

"There's only one solution. Yes, it's the Worst Thing Possible to do. But to keep what we call good and decent, to honor ourselves and prevent that instigator from bringing change, we must stop him. Unabated, soon all peoples will believe his Word and turn against us and our bullshit. Crucify anyone who speaks the truth. He's no Savior of mine!" said those who wished to be saved.

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