Saturday, August 07, 2010

People Of Incite

No, no, I completely agree with you.
You see things just like they are.
Let me know how things work out for you!

You ever see that movie "Maria Full Of Grace"? It's about this girl smuggling heroin in her stomach. So you see she wasn't full of grace AT ALL. It was heroin! These people are calling heroin a GOOD THING! That's just SICK! Fucking Hollywood! Word!


What do you mean my moustache looks like Hitler's? How dare you compare me to that monster! Some of my best friends are Jewish you racist son-a-bitch! I hope they put you in a concentration camp for calling me Hitler! I see right through you! Word!


I think all the people who go around bitching need to shut the fuck up! They're just pissed the world isn't the way they want it and then they go around telling everyone else how to act and even what to speak! The nerve! So shut the fuck up if you're not going say what I want! Word!


You just said a Bible quote! So you believe in priests molesting children, hating gays, burning people at the stake and a mythical space god! You're a total jerk for shoving your beliefs on everybody else! The Bible's all fairy tales and you better believe that! Word!


There is no truth, motherfucker! It's just you and your own personal fucking agenda making shit up to fit your biased point-of-view hoping that will somehow make you a good person! There is no objective truth that can be known! And that's the truth! Word!


What I can't stand is people that are naive and think everything should be all lovey-dovey. We gotta have war or we're doomed! There's bad people out there we have to fight - but I'm not one of them! We'll never be safe if we don't kill people! And I'm not just saying this because of the war that rages within me. Word!


Did I tell you about the militant peace protesters' march I saw the other day? Those guys mean business! They had all these great signs and chanted lovely slogans and made all sorts of insightful points how we need peace before it's too late. Then some guy on the sidewalk shouted out how he was for the war and they shot him.

The truth will bear itself out in the end.


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