Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama Is A Useless Cunt

Obama: Stalin is evil -
but I support his policies!

There are some ignorant people in this world and they are called Obama supporters. It rather reminds of the days of Russian purges and those arrested were confused and shocked, claiming comrade Stalin must not know about the wrongs committed in his name. Of course, it was Stalin who directed the evil. It's the same now. Just so long as it's not me getting screwed I'm going to ignore any transgressions of our President Stalin and put on a happy face. I'm over-fucking-whelmed by your compassion and sense of justice.

Gil Kerlikowske, nation's drug czar, said the federal government will not support legalizing marijuana. "Legalization is not in the president's vocabulary, and it's not in mine," he said.

That man should be put in jail, all his assets confiscated, his family destroyed and be branded a criminal until his dying day. Apparently he and his overlord are fine with that. They think that's all a BIG FUCKING JOKE. Well, FUCK YOU, asshole. Just another goddam rapist in a suit.

The injustices of the drug laws are far too numerous to even to begin to list. The amount of damage done to millions of lives staggers the imagination. From wrongful arrests rewarded from drug bounties to seizing cars from highway travelers to small businessmen wiped out from cash wrongfully taken to families shattered by the loss of loved ones and the stability they provide. The list goes on and on and on. All that makes Obama giggle.

Someone needs to tell God he made an evil plant!

"Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit," Kerlikowske said.

When one implements or sustains an evil policy, it rots you from within. The abuse of power from the drug laws is inherent and inevitable. To argue otherwise is to say you want to hit someone on the head with a hammer but not have it cause any pain. And to those who propose to hit me on the head - and to those who support that happening or turn a blind eye - I can only pray such a fate befalls you. Maybe I should plant a joint on Air Force One and Mr. President can see what it's like to be hauled off to jail to "tell his story to the judge" and watch his plane get impounded while attorneys and judges and cops line their pockets with his money. Let's see how much of a goddam smart ass he is then.

People don't support drug laws out of some sense of compassion for their fellow man. They support them out of wanting a sense of power. Throwing Pedro in jail for a joint isn't going to save the life of a heroin addict. People take drugs for a reason. Try finding that reason - that's when problems will truly start to get solved. It's not that hard to differentiate between those who want to solve this situation from those who allow it to fester.

Obama: Justice is not a word in my vocabulary!

Some say Obama doesn't have the political capital to stand for justice. In that case, I don't stand for him - and he stands for death. Obama is not a leader, he's a butler. Go home Obama and go to hell. You sure as hell don't have a problem saying that to others left to die and languish voiceless in the dark. Any society that turns it back on justice turns it back on having a future. Choosing not to face that doesn't make it any less so.


Schneids said...

You seem like a really angry person.

Harry Homeless said...

Some people get angry when people are hurt. Some people don't.