Friday, August 18, 2006

Better Dead Than Red

"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."
-Martin Luther King

Never thought I would be longing for the good ol' days of the Red scare. The Commies were coming to take away our rights, our freedoms and worst of all, our goodies. "Better dead than Red!" was the rallying cry. We were a nation of Thomas Paines. Alas, we have shriveled into a nation of cowards. "Better Red than dead!" is the cry now. And they call themselves patriots.

With the latest plot upon our airplanes, once again the terrorists are laughing themselves silly as we chase our tails. "No, grandma, you can't bring your shampoo on the plane. We might all die!" Toothpaste and lotion and cream, oh my! It's hard to be hysterical and look smart. But, ya know, all the security and scrutiny and whatnot is sort of exciting. We could die at any moment! Eh, cheaper than a roller coaster.

"My Daddy is a good daddy." No one wants to believe their daddy is a Commie. "Surveille me! Surveille me!" We are like the know-it-all kid in class, raising his hand to be picked for approval. I heard a fear monger on TV proclaiming either we give up our civil rights or planes will be crashing everywhere. See? Civil rights are the enemy, not the terrorists. I'm surrounded by Commie traitors.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
-Martin Luther King

I'm betting on the fool's fate for us. Yet the way we are made is to want to live as brothers. But everyone tells me we can't do as we want. Too impractical. And I'm just so naive not to understand that they say in their sophisticated adult voice feeling proud of their alleged understanding of the world. Dolts. What's going on now is impractical. Living as brothers is not.

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