Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Portrait of the Artist as a Fucker

There was a bitter man, sitting on a bitter bench, on a bitter day. His scribbling mind scribed scribbling words, hunched over his scribbling pad. And from his poison pen flowed poison ink into this dreamy world, not hearing the songs surrounding him.

"The sun is up,
"The sky is blue,
"It's beautiful,
"And so are you."

He saw them. Hand holding, faces laughing, eyes dancing with joy. All with shiny bright futures, exploring the wonderland only two can share. He heard the excited talk of dreams and hopes and ambitions. Things he would never see. "Bastards!" he sulked. "I hate you all!" But no one listened at all.

"Let me be there in your morning;
"Let me be there in your night;
"Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right."

Empires of industry gleaned from on high. Fancy cars with fancy women with an appetite for more. Business was their god and it let them die well. Raggedy man envied their ways. "Destroyers!" he pronounced. "You have no soul!" But no one listened at all.

"Think I'll spend eternity in the city,
"Let the carbon and monoxide choke my thoughts away,
"And pretty bodies help dissolve the memories,
"But they can never be what she was to me."

The nightmare planet raged on. Soon the Beast would control all - and it would be called good. The System was breaking down but the System would not change. Fear infested eyes knew they were alone. "Fuckers!" he complained. "Don't you ever learn? We're going to lose everything!" But no one listened at all - not even himself.

"Nowhere man, don't worry,
"Take your time, don't hurry,
"Leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand."

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