Friday, May 26, 2006

I Heart Heretics

The mercifully fading Da Vinci uproar has put a new focus on the Catholic church, an institution I really don't much care about. For me, it has nothing to offer. What I do care about is when people get hurt. And although I have no ill will towards the church, there's not much to think about an organization whose slogan is: "It's OK. We don't burn people at the stake anymore."

In a free market world, the need for approval is one that always finds a willing caterer. There is no greater purveyor of this than the church. When people got all riled up over the Catholic church not being all moral and pure, well, what are you? Twelve? It's a business like any other. But so ingrained is a desire for God's approval, we have allowed this society to create some of the most horrific crimes in history. None that I'll repeat here, but let's just say the Ku Klux Klan and the church share some similar history.

From what I understand, the Da Vinci Code demonizes a group within the church called Opus Dei (said "day"). Turns out this is a fun bunch of guys who believe in self-flagellation. S&M for God! Somehow I have a hard time picturing Jesus paddling himself. But I guess if the choice is between that and growing up, then hey, pass the whip.

If we must label people saints, then I have a few candidates. My first choice is John Lennon. If you want Catholic ones then try JFK and RFK. Two more obvious ones are Martin Luther King and Ghandi. Do any of these have the church's seal of approval? Many will gives reasons why not. But to be saved, each of us must look to our own judgement, and not to those who once considered coffee "the invention of the devil."

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