Sunday, June 07, 2020

I Live In The Sky

Angry judge with gavel hand
In his fury did demand:
"Homeless fucker tell me why
"You say you live in the sky."

"Your honor meaning disrespect,
"In you treason I detect!
"You have the power and the might,
"But not the love to make you right."

"Yes, I was a high school loser
"But I got me a slick judge cruiser!
"In this world they call me winner
"I pity the god who calls me sinner."

"These false things you find pleasin'
"Justify what you call reason;
"But you will have to give them up
"If you want love to lift you up."

"Listen, beggar, at my feet
"My victory is your defeat;
"Do not suffer my contempt!
"Ruling you makes me content."

"You may rule hell's last domain
"But what has future is the sane.
"Be careful of the life you claim
"In the end, your love sustains."

"Philosophy, your last resort!
"And by your words I suffer tort!
"In these robes a holy whore -
"Better that than living poor!"

"You sit on bench a piggish cow
"Accusing me both here and now;
"But of your debts I cannot pay
"And in this case you have no say."

"I'll not be damned in my court room!
"I'll see to it you're sentenced doom!
"We're not here for my confession -
"That's not required by my profession."

"If your job's your life but life's your job
"Then tell me from which one you rob.
"It's true I live in poverty -
"But you see my soul is free."

"I don't care if I do or die;
"I'll not leave you in the sky!
"I make my final stubborn stand:
"On this day, God's will be damned."

At this, the court reporter leaned over to the bailiff and whispered:
"Sheesh, all this from asking his address..."

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