Monday, May 04, 2020

When Virus Eyes Are Smiling

Is it really this virus we're so deathly afraid of? This underlying panic in the daily reporting, is it warranted by the actual danger? Why does this strike our hearts so much more than other causes of death we readily accept? There be a reason for dat, folks.

We're guilty. The movie version of this would be called: "Nature Strikes Back". For we have sinned against Nature and know we have a certain comeuppance heading our way. How bad will it be? we secretly wonder in dread. So any inkling of us getting our just deserts scares the holy hell out of us. We live in a web of mutual lies maintained by a common greed. We know that party has to end one day. And we know the longer we put off facing it the worse our fate will be. We see the hand of God in this viral retribution. Have we unleashed a beast we can't control?

The reactions we're seeing are metaphoric. The War On Reality is playing out right before our eyes, dismissing the very concept of responsibility. "I can do whatever I want and nothing will happen to me!" But the beauty of this virus is that it has no ears and no eyes, subject to no persuasion political or otherwise, an angel of death unleashed on a defiant world. We desperately seek control over it so we can resume our wicked ways in earnest. We can vote and decree and mandate it's OK to pollute and ravage the planet but that won't make it any less lethal. Seems that's a lesson we're determined to learn the hard way.

Looks like we'll just have to register the virus as a lethal weapon

In mad and vain desperation to kick the can down the road, we put the worst and most vile among us in charge, for only they are so unreasonable as to continue the lies that become more obviously outrageous and outlandish by the day. These darkened minds grant sanction to the darkness in our hearts, giving social cover to our transgressions, as if our Maker does not see all anyway. Give up the ghost, folks. It ain't worth it. You know you want to!

What we have here is a fidelity to treason. That's the perverted world in which we live. We have faith in faithlessness, we have trust in betrayal, we place hope in doom. Preach these values and you'll be rewarded by our backwards world. Not only that, you'll be labeled "responsible"! But the inevitable inversion is coming, driving us insane with the thought of it - even to murder.

Nature's gonna do what Nature's gonna do. Fight it all you want, windmill slayers! Time is not on your side as you provide tragic amusement for the gods. I know we will never speak directly of our guilt. We have to use metaphors to explain our demise as something coming from outside of us. But our fate comes from within. The sorrow is unspeakable and at some point incomprehensible. But Nature's purge cannot be stopped, one can only get on the right side of it.

That virus is out there. It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with.

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