Friday, May 08, 2020

The Winter Of My Fall

It wasn't supposed to come to this...

I wander in the Lost Woods, alone and unknown

Who was the past person to trespass here? Has it been a hundred years or a thousand? It's common knowledge no possible future is in this place

The dry dead leaves covering the ground are shocked by my presence, crunching in protest under my plodding feet. They must understand: I've nowhere else to go

I couldn't stop until I burned every last bridge. Seems I couldn't stand the offered hope. Choices bedeviled me until I left myself no choice

To have abandoned oneself is to empty the universe

In what passes for civilization, I'm a wanted man, enemy of the status quo. Infatuated and prepossessed with the idea their salvation lies in others' destruction, they live beyond reason's reach

Bad men who follow the rules hunt bad men who do not follow the rules so that bad men who do follow the rules can be called good. But they will still share the same fate of bad men

I walk a stranded being, disconnected, marooned on a planet where I cannot live. I am son of Strelnikov, worshiping the flames of glorious defeat, sowing seeds of regret, a betrayer of angels

So much time surrounds me and drowns me! Dreaded sobriety opens my eyes to oncoming darkness as these trees who answer to no one but Nature witness my slow, dripping death

My savage tear drops onto a brittle brown leaf. For a moment it brings back color, giving an illusion of life. Illusion brought me here

I cannot see the point of going on. "Supposed to" and "what is" are forever separated. Just to be caught here is a confession of sorts

Am I missing something, swallowed whole, I cling no more

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