Monday, May 18, 2020

Mein Böse Benign!

"Oh, those wacky Nazis! What they up to now, Frans?"

"Oh, Hans, that General Göring, he's a clever cookie, stealing all the best paintings in Europe for himself."

"He's so funny! Sounds like something my stupid friend from high school would do, always taking last piece of pie."

"And Himmler, maniacally keeping all the unwanted people in their place. He's so dedicated!"

"You know, there's a couple of things I disagree with him about but overall he's doing a good job far as I can tell."

"And everyone's hero, Herr Hitler, is at it again, foaming at the mouth in his speeches and inciting hysteria wherever he goes."

"He's just like a crazy uncle invited over for dinner. He sure does stir the pot!"

"So many people badmouthing Der Fuhrer. Some people just want to complain."

"Ja, ja, it's the radicals that ruin it for everyone. Kill all the Jews. Kill none of the Jews. Truth is somewhere in the middle, like always."

"Thank you for your moderation! I like it best when we all get along."

Don't be judgmental, support your local Nazi!

"We must be reasonable and confine ourselves to sports talk. We're just little people. Who are we to have opinions - except for latest soccer strategy, then we get tough!"

"Precisely! Supporting our government is a good thing. Let's keep silent any major criticism. The approval of the good people out there must never be lost!"

"Exactly! Stay in good stead, we shall. That's how you know you're on the right path."

"Of course, we never say things can't be better. But only a fool expects perfection."

"Ja, those concentration camps aren't perfect but that doesn't mean they won't be made better! One must keep an open mind."

"It's the responsible thing to do. It used to be OK to have so many Jews here but not anymore. They'll end up taking everything and leaving us with nothing!"

"You know, Frans, the responsible thing is not always the popular thing."

"Right! Taking a stand has a price but we won't shy away from that when the time comes."

"What a crazy world we live in! Most people are just plain selfish, always happy as long as they have their toys, oblivious to the world around them. But that's OK as long as one does greed responsibly."

"My priest Gordon has said those very words to me. The German way has given us very good lives. Der Fuhrer has done many great things for the German people."

Don't be an extremist who never sees the good in anything!

"No one can deny that! Except one of those anti-Hitlers who just blindly hate everything he does."

"I can't stand that sort of mentality who refuses to look at both sides of the equation. You have to give the devil his due."

"That you do! People way overreact to evil. After all, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was getting elected."

"You gotta respect that if ya got a lick of sense."

"And just to show how broadminded we are, let's head off to our golf tournament to raise funds for the Jewish orphans whose parents were gassed after the women were raped and experimental surgery was performed in the most horrifyingly manner possible."

"Sounds good! See you there!"

In a few short years, Hans and Frans were sent off the to Russian front, both dying of exposure from having been given only summer clothing to wear by the responsible government they supported. No one knows or cared what they said during their time on the Russian front because the time for speaking out had passed. They were swept into the dustbin of history like all the "good Germans" who went along to get along. Neither one admitted anything bad could happen as long as they kept quiet and did what was expected.

[Inspired by Dunham and Miller, 1310 The Ticket]

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