Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ode To Emily #6007

No God 3

Sitting city street curb
Biding for time to end,
Realizing this world
Leaves no time to mend.

Hurried passers-by
Quivering in their cares,
Swallowed whole by buildings
With the vanishing stairs.

Stranded in daylight cold
The future has passed me by,
Grieving yesterday's today
Wondering of the Why.


There once was a man from Perth,
Who railed at the shape of the Earth,
"If it were to be flat,
"I could have all of that!"
A curious curse of his birth.


Blueberry Fountains surround Sanctums of Sweet
Made in mad Mockery of my futile Defeat.

Wrapped in the Wrath of my lost empty Rants:
I turned my Back on Love's sunny Chance.

Numbers Merchants own the dead World sold,
Capital Detestment weighs on them old.

Keeping Faith with her Bread unleaven,
She's surely buying the Tollway to Heaven.

Blaming his Fate on how the Wind blows,
He's pained by the Flower he never let grow.

-persona non grata

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

12 Axioms Of The Apocalypse

"These final hours embrace at last; this is our ending, this is our past."
- courtesy of Robyn O'Neil

"And the meek shall inherit the earth..."

If you were God, would you trust you with the planet? Meek yourself up then and get ready, crying time is coming (actually, much of it is already here). As we descend into the chaos and despair of our law and order, the stones we rejected will become the building blocks of our future. The truth of our self-betrayal will come unmercifully to light in our time of frying.

The bedrocks of the everlasting world will revert our perverted planet into the paradise it was always meant to be. Our shackles will fall off in newfound faith. Volcanoes will erupt with flowers, seas will sing with waves of joy, forests will foster our future. You know this to be true.

After we pass through our (incredibly cruel and painful) birthing pains, new axioms will replace the garbage we foolishly trust today. And in that vein, I give you the 12 Axioms of the Apocalypse to help de-gaslight the current rot that surrounds us and confounds us:

  • Opposite of Love is Death
  • Opposite of Truth is Futility
  • Opposite of Cursed is Light
  • Opposite of Dreams is Idols
  • Opposite of Hope is Lies
  • Opposite of Negativity is Honesty
  • Opposite of Joy is Repression
  • Opposite of Life is Emptiness
  • Opposite of Warring is Communicating
  • Opposite of Freedom is Politics
  • Opposite of Art is Religion
  • Opposite of Doom is Nature

Note: This was inspired by Robyn O'Neil's great and fantastical exhibit We The Masses. I heard a museum person say "the message is dark", as if we are but helpless bystanders on our planet without a say. Truth is, we are the authors and creators of this world, and thus seeing we're on the wrong path, works like Robyn's give us the chance to correct our course. What the fuck is dark about that??

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dear Diary, I'm In Trouble Deep

When you reach the bottom of bottomless pits
Truth and lies become opposites

Coming up for air before I'm swallowed whole by the blackness. Something happened to break my lies so it's back to all tears and nightmares and a coldness deeper than space itself. The dream of meeting and talking to Emily finally happened. But, of course, for me it was a nightmare because those few minutes were stolen ones, when she didn't know who I was.

But she was great and I was feeling it and totally digging her as I thought I would even though I was putting on the breaks because I knew it couldn't last. Ecstasy and agony at the same time. I wanted to spend hours with her enjoying her company. I was getting sucked in.

While talking I debated coming clean. So I did - as much as my nerve held out. I told her I knew her name. I told her I knew her from a long time ago. I was too scared to mention exactly where or I'd have my head taken off permanently with extreme prejudice. With every question she chopped down my nerve. Finally, I said, "It was ten years ago." I thought that would be a dead giveaway.

Slowly, the wheels began to turn in that intelligent mind of hers. You cannot imagine the terror I began to feel. I wanted to hug and be hugged by her so badly. Then she started asking what I was doing in her neighborhood. I didn't lie, at least, but obviously she figured out I was only there because she lived there. She turned her back to me walking away, saying I shouldn't be driving around someplace where I didn't have any business. I wanted to die on the spot.

I tried to pretend I was OK walking back to my car, taking a swig from my bone dry water bottle. I couldn't break down and cry on the spot and it was a tortuous hour driving back to my hole where the suicide feelings flooded me like a tidal wave. I couldn't eat and my body was drained. That was Wednesday at 6. It's now Friday at 10 and I've had my first full meal. Even that was forced.

I just want to die. Getting a taste of Emily again triggered all the old feelings of despair. A therapist I went to correctly stated I thought of Emily as a god. Hard to measure up to a god. But that was the first crack in thinking maybe just maybe I could be friends with her after all. I talked to her on blind faith. Ten years of tears. I can't stop the crying. I can't tell anyone about this, they just won't understand. Plus Emily likes her privacy.

I'm faking it just to be writing. When the computer shuts off, the walls close back in as the screams return. I've written at least ten postcards in my mind to send her. I don't know what words to use for her to give me a chance. I can't even drive past her house anymore so I could at least feel proximity to her. I got no job or a way of earning money. All the ropes have reached their end.

I must go. The demons are waiting on me. It's what I get for hurting Emily. But it doesn't make things better or pay my debt to her. I got no freaking idea what does.

Sunday Update: Still can't eat. Not quite as suicidal. Very alone and very afraid.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dar-Dar Jabberwock

In his hemenus, Dar-Dar the Presemess
Crap his claws so loud and proud;
Selacting of a worthy spiro
Points his nose up incaniro.
"DAR-Dar-DAR, dar-Dar-dar-DAR!"
Weeping crowds did wimble far;
Dialant eyes so brightly donned,
Just another rube he conned!
Mysis fire along trendle line
Where shinas praise the philistine;
Dar-Dar ire configurates
Where no child celebrates.
Sintel speeches though freezing rain
Cannot remove this rizzin stain;
Hobrel prayers of men he wronged
Cannot uncross the rube he conned.
"When you dindle our Dar-dar sheen
"You dare dindle our magic bean!"
The hoozen man in fumbled dream
Never hears the words he's seen.
Yet fingled men knifed Dar-Dar's head
Despite the dunder rituals said;
"Gone our beast!" hoozen men ranted,
This shlichtereeng foully enchanted:
"We've known without knowing!
"We've grown without growing!
"We've shown without showing!
"We'd much rather die than give up our lie!"
In his hemenus, Dar-Dar the Presemess
Crap his claws so loud and proud;
Selacting of a worthy spiro
Points his nose up incaniro.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

President Joker

He loves you! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

I seek to take everything that is beautiful and make it ugly. By my touch, all living things die. The hopeless are my slaves. The weak are crushed, killers exalted, rapists exonerated. I shall do all the these things and more!

And for this, you will love me.

Every life will have a purpose! And that purpose is to serve me. Ye who are lost and without direction, surrender unto me. I am the state, the power, and the glory that gives you meaning. I am the alpha and the omega. If Jesus were here today, he'd declare me God's most favored son.

By virtue of being me, I can do no wrong. By following me, you are equally blessed in your faithful servitude. The world is upside down! The laws are enforced by outlaws. The poor do no work to help themselves. Traitors of the great Gotham way denounce the wonderful and noble principles of greed that have served us so well. No more shall this be! I - and I alone - can save you!

The time has come! We must destroy the destroyers! Betray the betrayers! The system they rigged against you will be rigged for you! Act before it's too late! My words are truth itself. Give me your vote and I'll give you the world.

Everybody says this is the greatest political campaign in history! My freiind Jeff, who's been in politics over fifty years, says he's never seen anything like this, it's so wonderful. My evil is a beautiful evil, blind and benign, rejecting no one. Increase my power to increase your power! Be a winner! Put on a Joker face! Everyone will love you. Just say it, and they will believe you.

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Part 2: Acid Reflex Backlash

"Tell her I'm going to laugh."

His sick grin was anything but effortless. From the universe of his cell he ruled a flaming empire. He knew his captors saw him as the most uncool person alive, refusing to speak his reason after throwing acid on an unsuspecting hope of a friend. She was marked for life - he for all eternity.

"Yeah...if she comes back tell her I'm going to laugh. She's a moron to have ever let me get that close. Must be something wrong with her, I'd say. She's so perfect she'll go on and live her life anyway. So she comes back, I'm going to laugh at her ugly face. Tell her that."

His jailers were unmoved. "A further judgment has been held stating that the entirety of your assets are hereby forfeited to her."

"Who cares? Take it all. What do I care in prison? Nothing means nothing."

As his jailers turned to depart, a sea of fear rushed in at the thought of yet again returning to be alone with his demons. "Hey, you tell her what I said!"


Doomed devils pierced mercilessly upon his soul if he dare rest his eyes. "No one will ever love you now!" For their accusations he had no reply. "Face it! Your life is over! Who would trust an acid thrower? Monster!" Secretly he was glad his assets would be given over to her. However small, it was a way to make amends. There was certainly nothing in himself of value.

The future is lost

He felt more ugly than her face could ever be. That secret he believed he must take to his ignored grave. In the deepest parts of the night, the darkness swallowed him whole. Betrayal. Is there a worse crime? He needed a connection to her. He could have love, but he settled for hate. Every time she looks in the mirror she will think of him. That thought possessed him, ate on him, strangled him, right up until the moment of madness disfigured her. He himself had always been disfigured.

Grasping at moral straws, he flailed and wailed night and day. Every argument for hope slipped through his fingers. His health dripped away like steady drops of blood. Worst of all, he'd just assumed his rejection, unable to let he know of his need. He was blessing her by being out of her life. That made his act of evil holy. Saying that only makes the demons laugh, though. It seemed to him at this point, the worst possible thing that could happen would be to find out he had something to offer all along.


"Allah, no. Can't be..."

A man of immense wealth had read of her story, donating part of his fortune to cover her medical costs and make her financially independent for life.

"No! No! You must reject her. She's mine! No one can accept her hideous face!"

His assets were rejected, untouched. His gamble had failed. She would think of him now every time she looks in the mirror. Connection severed, he'd been left to himself.

How do I live with this?? How can I trust myself?? Judas was right! Kill me now! Allah, please. My breath has no purpose. I did it for nothing!

Each day he died, an immortal left without food, starving to death over and over, no way out. He'd made a joke of his life and now the joke was on him. Why does understanding come too late? Why must men march off to war to find out it's wrong? Why does the world assign no value to the soul? Must the world die to figure out the wrongness of its ways? A living death, the fangs of the asp never shaking loose, dying without killing.

He'd been lying about the laughing, of course. Truth is, he feared her laughing at the sight of him.


Saturday, October 05, 2019

I Don't Want To Be An App

What's app, doc?

Love Instagram's wants
Aspire to taunt
Eat what you flaunt

  Forty-niner data miner
No rhythm in his algorithm
Leaves no soul survivor

Is it so wise
to digitize?

Aching for touch,
I get a touchscreen
No life is able
without a Cat 5 cable

A man with erection
From a data connection
Brings police detection

Starting romance
with a silicon dance

While fearing the light
Of reality bytes

How can I survive
If I do not thrive
On Facebook live?

The missing hyperlink
In the kitchen sink
Of programmers' overthink

I'm a microchip man
From a whiteboard plan
Pixels my only fan

If loving you is right, I don't want to be wrong

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

How I Lost The War

As I sit here isolated and rejected by a world who holds no compunction on taking life, I write this letter from the Dallas jail of unemployment.

I read a headline proclaiming we currently endure a "Global War On Truth." On this I can agree. Never in my life have I seen lying so openly embraced. And tomorrow looks the worse. These seeds we plant today will poison every man, woman, and child who descend from us and they will curse us bitterly - even as they do the same planting. Lie begets lie.

But though our direction is dire, our ultimate fate is not. Lies are but of a consciousness of time, yet truth is eternal. The time of lying will die and pass away forever as it must. It is for no reason that we deviate. In the inevitable revelation that is coming we will discover the joy and connection of brotherhood we've been painfully missing. We will discover the only enemy we had was lying itself.
Courtesy of Pacalart

Like a boiling pot that creates increasing pressure to keep its lid on, so must the lying increase to sustain its illusion of life. When you ask why a person rages, look at his lies. When you ask why a nation falls, look at its lies. When you ask why a world erodes, look at its lies. Salvation is right before us. We may destroy those who speak truthfully, but they are not its origin. We may kill every man who fails to say the world is flat but the world stays just as round.

In silence did Jesus reply when asked, "What is truth?" And so should every person do the same when his brother speaks dishonestly, for the battle is not ours. Lies are chains that rob us of our future. When time comes to move forward or die, those who stay chained will perish. The only judging done on judgement day will be by those who judged themselves. To be free is to never die.

What we are is on the precipice of witnessing horrors out of our worst nightmares. The speech of pornography is uttered by our highest leaders who've become priests of perversion: justice portrayed as persecution and persecution portrayed as justice. As those who lie hate themselves, so shall they hate others. As fools forsake hope, so shall they seek to strip it from the planet. They preach of a "love" for lying, of a "hope" for illusion, and of an ungodly "defiance" they deem holy.

It will be easy to despair as battle after battle is lost. But remember, the war is already won as its fate is not in our hands. Life is the only possible outcome. Mankind's long denied dreams will finally blossom as we forever beat our swords into plowshares and our light bursts forth in worldwide ecstasy.

In this dark hour of trial, we may feel abandoned by our Maker, to turn bitter and angry at the seemingly ceaseless injustices we must witness and endure. Each of us will be asked to defend our love, a task of lifelong struggle. But as Moses said, "The word is very near you, it is in your mouth and in your heart." By truth we are set free, for truth is life.

For true genius, click here for "Letter From A Birmingham Jail"