Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dar-Dar Jabberwock

In his hemenus, Dar-Dar the Presemess
Crap his claws so loud and proud;
Selacting of a worthy spiro
Points his nose up incaniro.
"DAR-Dar-DAR, dar-Dar-dar-DAR!"
Weeping crowds did wimble far;
Dialant eyes so brightly donned,
Just another rube he conned!
Mysis fire along trendle line
Where shinas praise the philistine;
Dar-Dar ire configurates
Where no child celebrates.
Sintel speeches though freezing rain
Cannot remove this rizzin stain;
Hobrel prayers of men he wronged
Cannot uncross the rube he conned.
"When you dindle our Dar-dar sheen
"You dare dindle our magic bean!"
The hoozen man in fumbled dream
Never hears the words he's seen.
Yet fingled men knifed Dar-Dar's head
Despite the dunder rituals said;
"Gone our beast!" hoozen men ranted,
This shlichtereeng foully enchanted:
"We've known without knowing!
"We've grown without growing!
"We've shown without showing!
"We'd much rather die than give up our lie!"
In his hemenus, Dar-Dar the Presemess
Crap his claws so loud and proud;
Selacting of a worthy spiro
Points his nose up incaniro.

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