Monday, January 15, 2018

President Zero Is My Hero

I've watched that Morning Joe dude talk about Trumpy's "33% solution", in that Dingleberry's one and only focus is in maintaining his base. Joe gets all vexed and frustrated not understanding why the Idiot-in-Chief doesn't try to expand his support. Seems logical, right? Start with your hardcore supporters then bring in a few other groups and build a coalition. Sounds reasonable.

But he's missing the overall - to borrow a phrase from "All The President's Men". While there are many "i" words associated with our insecure imbecile, the one I never hear is the one most appropriate: Inadequate. President Loser knows he's a loser, believes he can be nothing but a loser, and wages a permanent campaign to cover that up. See, in the mind of the inadequate, his only choice is to keep what he's got because no one knowing the truth could possibly support him. It's 33% or zero.

Let's look at the logic another way. Suppose you were a New York City blowhard braggart, building your ego on being a real estate tycoon in the most glamorous market in the world. That reputation to Donny boy is his reason for living. But it turns out another "i" word - incompetence - dogs you when you can't even make the rigged math of a casino work for you. You're faced with being a laughingstock and thrown into the dustbin of history.

But you decide not to face your reckoning. Foreign countries play fast and loose with the rules more than America does. You even espouse legalizing overseas bribery. You are a desperate, desperate boy! Then you latch onto a money laundering scheme. This you love because it allows for your two favorite pastimes - lying and deceiving - to serve your monetary interests. All the suckers are playing it straight. But clever you beat the system.

Gradually, people start calling you a success again. Just win, baby. You're a big shot on the New York social scene and revered by the little people as a successful businessman. Back on top you start to lose perspective on who you really are. But you're on a runaway train. You can never stop lying, you can never stop deceiving - not even for a second. The alternative is unthinkable.

Especially when you're compromised by a hostile foreign power having a sex tape of you, showing you in all your inadequacy before the world! Wouldn't surprise me the least bit to see pussy Putin release it when he's threw with Donald Duck, if nothing else but to embarrass the US for electing someone so thoroughly pathetic. Now, can you possibly imagine the fear you'd be living in??

Facing jail for you and your family, Russian hookers peeing on your head, reviled and repulsed around the world permanently. You would go down as one the most disgraced public figures in history. My, you are a clever boy!

Put in that "No one can possibly love me" perspective, Trumpy's behavior makes perfect sense. Lie like a maniac, stir the pot, throw verbal bombs, do anything to deflect. His insatiable craving for others to humiliate themselves around him stands to reason because he doesn't want to go down alone. He needs to denigrate all of America. Like Hitler's sick henchman, we see the craven souls who cooperate in this endeavor. They too will be branded onto the pages of history as traitors and psychotics (Hi Sarah Huckabee!).

Who knows how this will end. How many of us have truths we want to avoid. My favorite hope is he has a Scarface moment, where one instance of humanity is his undoing. [Scarface refuses to do a hit for a fellow drug lord once he sees children will be killed. That drug lord then takes him out.] In the meantime, damage is being done and lives lost. Unfortunately, there won't be any Nuremberg trials to sort this out later.

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