Thursday, January 25, 2018

Exclusive: King Donnie's Enemies List!

We hold these observations to be self-evident: that a war is being waged for the soul of America, that cheaters want other cheaters in power, that truth is considered to have no innate meaning, that silence is rot, and that we're sowing (and have sown) the seeds of doom. This isn't about specific issues, it's about Cain vs. Abel. Soul stealers are everywhere, scouring for your every last weakness. Hold onto your ass, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

King Donnie has done an awesome and relentless job in exposing the corrupted state of America. Seeing themselves as safe, we see all sorts of lunatic behavior coming out after having given approval electing a lunatic. Same people as ever are in charge but now it's clear just how low they'll go and in the court of life there are no lawyers or fellow liars who can get you off. So rest assured, whenever the Moron-In-Chief spots one of these enemies, he attacks instantly and without compunction. Dare to not be an enemy at your own risk!
  1. Truth
  2. Honesty
  3. Integrity
  4. Self-Respect
  5. Professionalism
  6. Reason
  7. Dignity
  8. The Human Soul
  9. Salvation
  10. Hope

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