Friday, May 10, 2013

Zen Films Presents: Heron Finale (With trig Bonus Video)

Here's the third and final installment of my heron trilogy. I named it this because everywhere I went I saw a heron. Finally, I figured out there were two herons there, something I had not come across before. With precious little peace in my own life it seemed almost imperative I capture the serenity of the garden, to make it safe from the ravages of time and human despair. Now I can make secret forays into the garden anytime and be thankful such a place exists. Many are the fools who consider art to be optional in this world, but without it we'd still be living in caves.

As a counterpoint to serenity is my blackmail video of trig acting silly in the garden. Trig bought a lottery ticket and I was going sting him for a million bucks but like a moron he refused to listen to me and bought a losing ticket! (My sage advice, of course, was to buy a winning one). Thus, unable to bribe me I posted the bottom video in a fit of pique. Hell, way things stand now I'd have taken ten dollars.

The soundtrack is "Volcanic Crater Lake" from "The Natural Sounds Of Japan".

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