Thursday, September 09, 2010

Jesus and Koran Burning Are Alright By Me

Books are sacred objects to me. They are one of the greatest links to our past and the very act of putting something down on paper has a unique power alone in all the universe. I don't know why that is, but it is. Writing is sort of a self-branding of the soul, a commitment that echoes throughout the ages. So would I do a book burning for any reason ever? Not on your life.

But we each have a learning curve in this life of ours and what are thinly veiled acts of stupidity to one person are The Way To Life to another. Just think about how you want your stupidity pointed out when deciding to point out others'. (Not that I always practice that). Thus I give a shrug of dismay when I hear some whacko wants to burn books in order to bring about his salvation. But the books will be burned, he'll be the worse off and life goes on. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da.

"One thing I can tell you is you got to be free."
John Lennon in "Come Together"

I'm hearing all sorts of arguments on why said whacko should not have the book burning but none of them hold water. Legally, they can't. Unpopular speech is the most important speech to be protected. And that's not conditional. As long as I'm not required to agree with it, people can have any opinion they want. It's by expressing our opinions we discover the truth or falseness of them (if one has an open mind).

To quote the attorney general, he called the Gainesville planned burning of Korans 'idiotic and dangerous' and underscored in many different ways that that activity is really a hate-incitement activity," Khera said. "While it may not be a violation of the law, it may be an act of free speech, it certainly violates our sense of decency."

Fuck you, Eric Holder, you outrageous hypocrite. You want to lecture America on decency while you let war criminals roam free, walking around laughing and unprosecuted. Here's a piece of advice oh great mahatma: Let the book burnings happen and then talk about "looking forward and not backward". That's you and your boss's stated recipe for fighting crime. Indecency is thine, buddy boy.

Nobody questions this religion

But I understand the rationale: Don't piss off the Muslims! But that kind of thinking is in reality the "idiotic and dangerous" thing to do. I'm supposed to give a fuck what they think? I think not! What special brand of intelligence have they shown to warrant that? Who says I have to put them on some sort of pedestal? I don't believe in religion. Never have, never will. Not my job to babysit them. Bad enough I have to do it for all the goddam fundamental capitalists.

But see, I know what the real problem is. The problem is we are raping countries that are predominately Muslim. And that's where the real guilt comes in: we don't want our ill intent exposed. Blowing up families and funerals and marriages, that might be what's really pissing them off. Just because you have convinced yourself it's for a just cause doesn't mean it is one. By your fruits they shall know ye. And death is our fruit.

"What other people think is none of my business."

You want safety and national security? Try dedicating yourself to peace. Whether it works or not, it's the only way possible for success. Not wars in the name of peace nor sanctioned corruption in the name of justice nor lies promoted as truth. I don't have a problem with any free speech. In the end, we make or break ourselves with our own words (spoken or unspoken) - words are the overflow of the heart. So if you want to live your life in Muslim chains, always walking on eggshells, have at it. I already know how that turns out.

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