Sunday, May 12, 2013

There Are No Miracles In The Bible

Freaking you bitches out, aren't I?

"Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.
When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified."

One thing's for sure: the people being terrified part hasn't changed. But first let me say one thing. I agree with Anjin-san when he says, "God curse all priests." But when I hear of a priest molesting a child I don't think it reflects poorly on God but rather on anyone dumb enough to believe someone who says he represents God. Religion comes from man, man comes from God. I don't appreciate those who confuse the two.

One thing I have noticed is the fear and terror induced by the mentioning of miracles. "Fairy tales to awe the masses," they hope. Pseudo-insight like that makes the rest of us laugh! But the most ignorant man in the world is the man who does not know he's ignorant. Most of us think we "know" a man cannot walk on water. What mankind does not know could fill a universe.

The real answer is a matter of perspective. When we see a plane fly overhead or watch TV of a man speaking a thousand miles away or call on a phone to speak to someone a thousand miles away we do not think of those things as unbelievable miracles even though most of us cannot explain how they work. Yet, if we were to go back a few hundred years and describe these things to a scientist he would declare them scientifically impossible. How can something heavier than air fly? Impossible dreamer!

Poor Chauncey didn't know he's not
supposed to be able to walk on water.

And that's the problem, one man's miracle is another man's normalcy. If I were to ask Jesus how many miracles he performed he'd say zero. He'd done nothing of the sort but merely acted in accordance with nature. After all, who nowadays thinks of watching a TV as a miracle? It's all about what we think we know. What is science anyway but a subset of understanding nature? When you have a greater understanding than another then you too can perform "miracles."

No, the real reason the idea of "miracles" is so threatening is because it challenges our point-of-view, that we have not begun to scratch the surface of what we can do. (I'm not concentrating on the healings because energy healing has been around for millenniums in the East and is a peculiarly Western prejudice.) And finding out that which we have truly denied ourselves makes us so much more culpable for the miseries of the world. Not an easy thing to face, so I understand the deep, deep animosity it can cause.

Still, who wants to be a loser? What's to be gained by the false morality of a closed mind? It's those who know what they know who are the lights of the world. Nature is as Nature does. So before you go giggling at the "stupidity" of ancient man just remember that's how you look in the eyes of Jesus. It's just a matter of being open to accepting what's possible - and in this case, inevitable.

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