Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sugar Baby

Little Johnny had become listless and depressed. His father was treating him like shit. But Johnny's condition became so acute it could not be hidden any longer.

His abusive father was forced into action. The doctor told him he'd have to stop abusing Johnny and get therapy for both himself and the boy if things were to change. Johnny's father didn't like that. He sought a second opinion more suited to his liking.

A marketer posing as a doctor told him everything he wanted to hear. Johnny's father need not change. No painful therapy required. Just a little pick-me-up would do the trick. For this the marketer was handsomely rewarded on earth.

Johnny gobbled down the sugar he was given as it was the only thing he'd found that made him feel good. But he'd crash and burn when the sugar high wore off. Still, he figured, it was better than no highs at all.

Johnny met a girl. She made him feel better than even the sugar. But she told him he had to choose between her or the sugar because she said the sugar would kill him. Johnny's father said if the boy stopped taking his sugar he'd be thrown out of the house. Johnny broke off with the girl sent to save him, saying that love "isn't practical." Thus, he assassinated the relationship.

Over time the highs got higher and the lows got lower as Johnny had to keep increasing the dosage to get the same high. Secretly, Johnny went to a doctor to find out his condition as doubt had crept in. He was told the sugar was acting as a poison in his body. "But it wasn't before!" "It is now."

Fear eroded Johnny's mind, concocting conspiracy theories of people out to destroy him. In a desperate campaign he sang in praise of sugar and the wonderful joy it brings. He carefully avoiding saying it turns to poison, and anyone who disagreed was labeled "lying traitorous scum out to destroy the world." Millions joined the campaign in high delusion, swearing the good times would never end.

So the rule of sugar ascended to absolute power, even as the effects of the poison destroyed cell after cell. The sugar babies jailed, tortured, and killed anyone who pointed out sugar's deadly effects in a futile but relentless bid to suppress truth. Some fools wanted to "regulate" the sugar in false hope of finding a "responsible" way to keep ingesting it. In the end, reality - in all forms - was declared comfortably illegal.

The longer the sugar is ingested, the more irreversible damage is done, the more pain is required to exorcise its venom, ever deepening the hole of the sugar babies' reality, pushing hope farther away, teetering on destruction. And now you know the state of the world economic health in the year of our Lord 2020.

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