Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Luke's Letter To The Inmates

Hey, guys! I got to tell you it's great on the outside! Know what I been doing today? Nothing! A whole lot of nothing. Been sitting in a shopping lot just watching. I'm telling you guys, free air smells different, like you can practically taste the hope. Way the sun shining down you'd think the whole world is nothing but wonderful.

Watching free folks go about their business made me feel like I was in a dream so real I could touch it. I always believed in dreams and guess I always will, no matter how wrongheaded that might be. I was like a kid, thinking anything is possible! Wonder why I ever stopped. I try to keep it in but it just keeps popping on out. Don't even have to try, just happens on its own. Sometimes I don't know who I am.

Nothing was the same after the war. Maybe that's how I got offtrack. I tried to forget but that didn't work. Bet the guards didn't forget me driving off in their truck neither! Wish you guys could have been with me today. I just can't stop believing there's more to life than what we seen so far. Just HAS to be!


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