Sunday, May 05, 2019

News From The Underground

i saw it yesterday in a scream dream...

mass fear in the feared masses...

seeing but not believing...

believing but not seeing...

countless faces of horror surround the globe...

hands reaching out like blind men grasping...

finding nothing...

"please give us something"...

anything not to face the empty within...

no one said hello, only goodbye...

men, media, morons claimed out they were gods...

crowds cheered in unfulfilled hope...

followed by jeers of angry self-betrayal...

ever demanding answers from where they can't be found...

circle tightening smaller and smaller and smaller...

until nothing is allowed aloud...

do unto them the evil you fear you be...

knowing the future is not ours we steal from tomorrow today...

divided we stand, united we fall...

only by this does each hereby agree: "Love will never work."

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