Monday, April 15, 2019

Hello, Reality

Hello Reality,

I read about your plight in the Fort Worth Weekly. It really opened my eyes. We long to believe we live in a world that honors truth. And no matter how sometimes our words and deeds may not reflect that, every soul knows we cannot survive without truth. And that love is the only truth.

One day each of us will have to answer: did I protect the truth or did I protect a lie? The world, I have found, is based on a lie. Many people have built their lives on that lie and will do anything to protect it. They will betray anything and anyone to keep the lie alive. This included themselves.

Their lives are tortured by this so when they see someone who reveals the truth they feel they must do something. It's bewildering to see such venomous responses to innocent acts. These fools lie to themselves, deceiving themselves their actions will somehow "save" them. So pity your captors and persecutors. They are angry you have something they do not: a future.

Thank you for your service.

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