Sunday, January 20, 2019

Mask On, Mask Off

Like so many relationships nowadays, it started on the interwebs. Our conversational chats were muy simpatico, in tune, on the same wavelength. It's so nice when you don't have to explain. From cradle to grave we seek this out, no matter how much love or grief may be in our lives. We are like beggars in the street seeking every last morsel of understanding. Once found, the excitement is like a lifeline from Heaven.

So we took it to the next step, talking on the phone. Her voice matched her chat, thankfully. I wasn't just imagining it! Suddenly, you hear the beginnings of a song, hoping to swim in immortal love's stream; to plant a flower in paradise. These dreams start running through your mind, breathing life to even the deadest of corpses. For some reason, your childhood comes alive. And you think, "Maybe..."

And then we met.

I almost stumbled in shock. Yes, the voice and inflections and even the humor were the same, but her face was stuck in frozen emotion. She knew the right words and how to say them and when to say them, but it was a stale rehearsed act from years ago. This is who she once was. She'd become alien to herself and needed a facade. In her living death she constantly sought out life to lure into her web. The internet had surely been a godsend for her vocation! But in the end she had to hope you wouldn't believe your eyes, only her lies.

Stumbling back out door into the cold winter air I had to ask myself, "How did this happen? Am I like her, my song only an echo?"

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