Monday, April 01, 2013

Anger Mismanagement

After driving home through rubbernecking grief, I find hell of a different sort.

"Where's Abdullah, my cat?"

"I don't know.."

She was curled up on the couch, eyes on the TV as if it were mandated from heaven.

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"Means I don't freaking know. They came and took him. How should I know where he is?"

"Who took him? When? Where??"

"Sherriff's people or something, I don't know. There's a letter on the table."

"And you let them?"

"What was I supposed to do? Besides, they were noisy and interrupting Oprah's life lesson moment."

"You stupid cow! Don't you have a sense of ANYTHING!"

"Shush, my favorite commercial is coming on."

I stormed out into the hallway of our apartment building, grabbing a fire ax.

"You fucking bitch! I'll give you something to give a damn about!" I screamed raising the ax high above my head. "Heeeeere's Oprah!"

I chopped the TV to pieces causing much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Whole damn world could burn down around her but she'd not give a damn till it got to her fucking TV.

I went to the holding place for my cat. It was cold and sterile like the hearts who designed it. My boy needs his home but the monsters who took him are both homeless in life and dead in the head.

"I want my cat! I want him right now!"

"Can't do that. It's the most impossible thing in my world and I am its guardian!"

"Give me my fucking cat before I rip your lousy head off!"

"I obey the law! I am its servant! Doing what smart people tell me to do makes me smart too!'

"What is this, some sort of S and M role play, you sick fuck? It's YOU who belongs in a cage!"

Smart people told me to put this on!

"It's them what need obey the law the most. I just do what I'm told!"

"Yeah? So does an imbecile."

"I can speak no more. Touch that cat and you die!"

Seeing the Sherriff's office, I rush to it only to find it locked even though I could see him at his desk through the glass.

"Come out of there, you asshole! Why did you take my cat? I know you can hear me!"

But he pretended otherwise, leering at a Playboy tucked inside a Bible only half its size. Guess he thought he could fool everybody with only the slightest of pretense!

"Douche bag motherfucker! Where do you people come from? Why even bother to exist? Fucking zombie vampire rapists!"

Behind me a man entered in priestly robes both made and anointed of himself.

"You, sir! Do not use that word 'rape'. It's a holy word and you shall not speak it. You denigrate it when you associate it with a mere cat. Rape can only used on the following occasions: - "

"I'll use any goddam word I want you sanctimonious shitbag! Get off your high horse and help me free my cat if you're so damn righteous!"

"I fight the good fight. I'm going home and I will write many essays condemning the injustice of your language and behavior. Then I shall appear on Oprah where she will publish it and I will walk in high standing to much applause."

The self-made man left the room with his nose at the highest point of his body the entire time. This emboldened the gutless guard.

"Haha! There's nothing you can do! No one sides with you! How can you think you're right? You're one of them crazy extremists!"

"You're the fucking extremists! Taking my cat for no good reason, torturing him by denying him his home. I can hear him crying now and it's breaking my heart! Is justice dead? Is there no hope?"

"Ain't nothing you can do! You can't touch us. We is the law and order and whatever we say goes. Don't blame us you ain't got no sense!'

"Blame you? I'll do better than that. I'll curse you! Till my dying day I'll pray for your deaths. I'll ask that you give up your children to the god of war to be maimed, discarded and suicidal. I'll pray you throw one another into the streets to starve and die in loneliness without counsel. I'll blind you to your deeds thinking you save yourself as you poison yourself. You'll trust your lives to false saviors who lead you to irrevocable doom. All these things and more shall continue day and night without cessation until you soften your Pharaoh's hearts and repent to the ways of justice now and forever!"

So let it be written, so let it be done.

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