Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Worship My God Or Die!

You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

I've heard people laugh at this commandment, blindly self-assured of our vastly greater awareness of reality than our ancestors of yore. Voodoo and superstition are things of yesteryear, we know better. But do we really? Hell fucking no! We haven't changed one damn bit.

Laughing at the above commandment is the same as laughing at this homeless girl and all like her:

She doesn't live in Africa or any other (currently) impoverished nation. She lives in Indianapolis, in America, where we have no shortage of food or any other resources. So why is she forced to the streets? Voodoo and superstition, what else? Sure as hell ain't because we're in touch with reality!

I know what you're brainwashed brain is thinking: "I is two sofisticatered fer ewes to fewl me, Hairy!" Well, pardon me for shoving that latte up your arse. Below is a picture that will provide the empirical data that you too are a heathen worshipper of a wooden god that has no eyes or ears but we all pretend does. Savages all!

Billion Dollar Bill
Imagine dummies robbing and killing for this!

That's right, it's a billion dollar bill. "But Harry, my brainwashed brain says that's not real!" Really, how do you know, pray tell? It's ink and paper and every day in this world we trade lives for ink and paper. That's what makes us earthlings so damn funny! We're so possessed by our bullshit without a clue how ridiculous we look to the rest of the universe. Maybe you think I'm being mean but just think how you'd feel watching an ancient ancestor prostrate himself before a statue and actually fucking talk to it like it can hear.

And so we too allow a god without eyes or ears determine who lives and who dies, who gets healthcare and who dies slowly, who lives indoors and who suffers from exposure. Call me radical but I'm calling stupid on that. We suffer for no fucking reason! There's no such thing as "real" money anywhere but in our heads. My billion dollar bill is just as legitimate as any other ink on paper. You need only believe it for it to be true! Let Harry's brainwashing begin!

U.S. Economy Is 11.5 Million Jobs Short

That's a headline from an article I saw at Huffington Post. Sounds depressing, huh? But not a lick of it is true, sheer fabrication. Never has more work needed to be done than now. Our entire transportation and energy infrastructure needs to be moved off fossil fuels and onto renewable energy sources. I don't know about you, but a World War II style movement in that direction would drastically raise my hopes for the future!

But instead, we are bound by superstition, ruled by an imagined space god of the mind. "Ewe is likey soooo stoopid, Hairy! Weeze cants affordabull ta bee greene!" I swear, when the aliens land, I'm claiming none of you. See, you talk about money as if it were as real as nature. Let me tell you what happens when you destroy nature: you die! And let me tell you what happens when you destroy money: nothing! I'm constantly amazed how often I hear the contaminated mind say, "We can't monetarily afford to survive as a species." Speak for yourself!

It's on a chart! It must be real!

Contamination is rampant and pervasive. Ever hear one of those health and wealth preachers speak? Take their sermon and replace the word "money" with God and get a whole new perspective. That goes for any conservative Christian too. If they were honest I'd be OK with it but no one comes right out and puts a bumpersticker on their car that says, "Money Saves!" Maybe we think we're clever enough to trick God. Frankly, I think we're boring the hell out of Her.

We now interrupt this unimportant message for an important one:

If you met her you'd cry too

Now that was a beautiful message! Which leads me to the pressing question: Holocausts, good or bad?

Little Esther was confused. "Daddy, does God listen to prayers?"

"Of course He does. You have reason to believe otherwise?"

"Well...I mean...six million Jews died in the Holocaust. Didn't any of them pray? Why didn't God save them from the camps? It was horrible to read about!"

"I think He would say He didn't put any of them in there."

"Then that means it's all up to us to fix everything."

"I should think so! How else can life have meaning?"

"I don't know. It's just that...well, what if nobody cares? What if everyone agreed the Jews should die?"

"Then I would say everyone who thinks that should die, wouldn't you?"


And yet, we continue our holocaust upon the poor because we all agree it should be so. Every day we hold humanity hostage to illusion. No food for you, little girl! No medicine for you, old man! No freedom allowed for you lazy artists! One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. Don't speak to me of human nature, it's yourself you damn with your perfidy. We were made to love and love is a jealous God when we refuse Her.

Trust me, I know.

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