Friday, April 26, 2013

The Moons of Jupiter Are No Place To Die

A criminal's fate I do suffer. Can't live with others they leave you to die. How can I blame them?


The third planet in this system is populated but embryonic. Like me, they cannot be let in the door without the destruction of everyone. I would love to hear their words upon knowledge of my existence!


How horrible to have regressed. I want to be angry but cannot find a valid argument. What they did they did in love. They know I still yearn for the Conscience of the universe even if I forget it. They won't allow me to further damage myself.


But can I find redemption here? I do not know. With whom can I connect? When I was connected I knew what it meant to be disconnected. But now that I'm disconnected I don't know what it means. Interesting.


Maybe they put me in this system with the embryonics for a reason. I shiver at the nearness of their darkness! I world of educating and warfare, of not-knowing and despair, so few embracing the inner Light.


Failing to forgive myself, that's what got me here. I wanted to hold fast to my knowledge, to keep it in my hands! I closed my eyes and stuffed my ears to keep the unbelievable alive. But we are not embryonics, we have passed that forever.


Can I still serve a purpose? That's the fear of here. I gave myself my own purpose, losing the real one. But I still wish to serve!


I must make peace with this cloud in my head. A difficult thing to do. Why oh why did I abandon the light? Is this orb of nothingness part of the healing?

I surrender. Maybe I can only surrender on a lost moon like this. What a wonderful thought to think I'm still loved!


It's good I have not purged myself. But that's all I know. I've let go of all other thoughts. I spent several rotations dreaming, I know not how many. Before, I always knew where my dreams led.


A thought came to me. It made me feel alive! I must trust me with life again. Love brings love. But the wicked embryonics will not see this as love. Oh, how I pity them.


It's up to the Ambassadors to bring the embryonics into the fold of the universe after their birthing stage but I am no Ambassador and am not blessed with their gifts for that purpose. But for me to contact the embryonics excites me.


The signaling has begun. I've always been glad to be one who's lot is not to deal with the embryonic planets. I enjoyed the sunshine of tending the Garden. Maybe I am here for a reason after all. This is something I will never fear again!


I know everything they must be saying. Some will say this signal means everything, some will say it means nothing - each according to his acceptance of love. How horrid to live in a time of debate! How many will see violence as the answer? How many will find their love strengthened? None of this can (nor need) be known by me.


I am stronger now, grateful for my fate - as I had longed to feel. I still cannot see the big picture, only hope I have played my part. I do not feel I was left here as punishment. It was to give me a chance, this blessing.


They have returned! Look at the smiles on their faces! Love! Love! Love! The Grand Design never fails to draw us into the Light. I cry in joy. I have grown and it's like starting over - only better.


Headlines circled the globe with the step into higher consciousness. Some celebrated. Many were outraged at claiming the signal was anything more than a natural space phenomenon. "Nothing has changed! We need not change!" But people of the earth began to hear that voice as hollow, tentatively trusting themselves, feeling the excitement, daring to hope - just the same as their visitor on the Jupiter moon of Io, so far away from them in space yet with them as all living things.


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