Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Brenda McNeal: Wanted ALIVE

The death of Brenda McNeal made national news as the housewife turned late-in-life hyper-fierce anti-abortion critic was finally silenced. Her urgent pleas were legendary for their passion and conviction as someone who just knew abortion as a wrong. While many were those who lionized and lauded her, none knew the origin of her crusade, a crusade which Brenda often described as "life and death!"


In the post-apocalyptic ruins of her dreams she scavenges for scraps of life among her landfills of decay; her struggle a silent hunger she can not escape.

Her unadmitted agony drives her forward like a lost wanderer in a seascape of snow who knows that however tired to stop is to die.

Her caged marriage entangles her in a viper's nest of lies where nothing is deemed more forbidden than freedom.

To end her travails she fantasizes of a wolf to ravage her, leaving her to die a tragic victim; a blameless sort.

Crying robotic tears she prays for death but death does not come.

To the world she's willing to donate anything except herself; Pyrrhic hope begs her to the idea of victimless crime.

Only when her defeat is complete does she find victory.
Her art gallery visit was merely Something To Do, another useless energy spent.

But art director Heinrich, the twice-divorced émigré from Holland, connected with her eyes in a way she thought long lost.

After year upon year of drudging through hellish muck with its hideous smells and heartbreaking horror, has she found a scrap of life at last?

They speak on issues across the board but the subject is always the same: each other.

Sweet water of hope rushes in as if through a broken dam, a reviving transfusion into her embalmed existence.

I never thought I could be wanted again! How I miss this feeling!

Tremors of desire shake her world in volcanic torment, she nightly gripping the side of her bed to prevent telltale tossing and turning.

Can I even step out of the cage at this point? Is it too late? Does only a fool reveal a Wasted Life?

She faced a Decision: to grow the newborn relationship or abort. The Choice she made left her in
abandoned terror at the bottom of a lost well.

And for this she famously screamed bloody hell the rest of her life in electoral deceit.

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