Thursday, September 03, 2020

News From The Front (War Crime Video)

Make crime legal then it becomes OK in the eyes of God!

The war on the poor is the one war with universal support. "You see, if we don't throw families into the street we'll have chaos and death and destruction!" If you ever want to hear someone say something stupid, ask them to tell you why the concept of money is needed. Money is not love, therefore it's not necessary - but that won't stop stupid from speaking! And so we have the situation we see here where crimes happen in broad daylight and no one blinks an eye. Everyone claims to be helpless in the situation - just like when we nailed Jesus to the cross. We pretend it has to be done.

The enforcer has a piece of paper saying the tenants must pay or go. The bank has a piece of paper saying the landlord must pay or go. The stockholders say the bank must make money or go. On and on it goes in an endless game of blackmail as our possessed minds claim "there is no other way!" God help anyone who doesn't believe blood is on their hands. But know this: just as the war criminals rape, kill, and destroy without recourse, so shall the same be done to them (and twice over). It's only a matter of when. Remember this when your turn for eviction comes: by our own hands we are destroyed.

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