Friday, July 17, 2020

Dear God: Please DIE!

[They called themselves God-Lovers and their leader was hailed God-King. At first, it was assumed to be just another snake cult. But like a tidal wave rising from the ocean without warning, they came crashing ashore in the worst of ways, surprising the naively unsuspecting and the willfully oblivious while welcomed by cheering nihilists who wished to see the world burn down. Woe be to any who stand in the way of the wave.]

In the beginning was the deceiver, and the deceiver was with lies, and the lies were evil. The deceiver's trick was simple: arson for reward. By torching several houses in the community at once he was able to rob banks unnoticed during the pandemonium. Citizens were forced to make a choice between saving their humanity or their bank accounts. The deceiver had no use for humanity as he swindled even himself. Soon, his coffers were full as his soul emptied out.

The deceiver reveled in his hypocrisy, decrying firefighters for not doing enough to put out the fires he started, posing as a moral crusader for the everyman. An unholy cabal of the criminal, the corrupt, and the nihilists marveled at the deceiver's larcenous ways, joining his false crusade hoping to partake in his looting in the name of God. This was the beginning of the God-King.

Claiming God was on their side - and thus any who was not on their side were on the side of the devil - the appeal of shameless lying and riches swelled the numbers of the God-Lovers like a fast spreading wildfire. "We're here doing God's work!" railed the deceiver. "Let no one stand in our way until we control all!" Soon, no home was safe from the arsonists who were left unopposed as communities cowered in fear, homeowners staying home to protect their dwellings, refusing to go out and fight.

Those who did leave their house to fight were deeply resented by those who did not. "You can't stop them! There's no point!" Some even defended the arsonists hoping that would make them safe. "These protests are deeply offensive! The arsonists are God-Lovers, carrying the Bible with their flaming torches." So insane did fear of the cult become that in a fit of mindless hysteria, the God-King was made leader of the land.

"Yippee! Now I get to loot the national treasury, starving widows and orphans, repeal laws that hinder my criminal friends, and spread the gospel of holy corruption!"

As the nation teetered on the brink of destruction - as the smell of burning homes with screaming families inside became so commonplace as to not even make the news - the God-King gloried in unhinged ecstasy.

"I have a plan for the fires that consume us! Only your God-King could come up with such a great plan or entertain with such a great act you would believe me. I propose we destroy each and every dam, releasing water that has been unjustly kept back from serving us, the victimized people! We shall be victims of these cruel dams no more!"

The deceiver cackled to himself watching heated debates of his calculated insanity defended by fools and smirking con men as those who fought to preserve life were doused in verbal gasoline and set aflame. By constantly creating new and ever greater disasters, the deceiver knew he could thin the efforts of the Preservers, overwhelming and exhausting them to the point of no return, the utmost goal of him and his rabid supporters.

If anyone outside of the God-Lovers cult was found torching a home, however, that perpetrator would be immediately captured, harshly denounced, and sentenced to death. In this way, the immoral majority hoped to appear moral and stand for the long lost rule of law. "I can't imagine a more heinous act than burning down a home with the family inside. We will not tolerate this under any circumstances!" Unless, of course, the God-Lovers were committing the very same crime en masse - in that case the cowards declared it "God's work."

But Nature has Her own agenda outside the will of Man (Thank God!), and suddenly news came down that God was dead. Though acceptance of that fact was slow at first, its undeniability gained steam just like the cult had in its early days: irrefutable, unstoppable - and irreversible. The lies of the God-King were seen to be more and more hollow, helpless in the face of Nature's even more stubborn truth. "If God is dead then who does the God-King really serve?" The ensuing silence to that question echoed louder each passing day.

Sick of living in fear, even the self-loathing masses began to wake up to a dawning reality: that the protesting Preservers were their true allies and the so-called God-Lovers their betrayers. The tide turned and the cult's numbers dwindled until only a hardcore few were left who were then hunted down and imprisoned to at last bring safety to the nation. Only the God-King remained to be captured until he too was finally cornered.

"You sick, perverted, murderer, tell us who you really are and who you really serve!"

"Never! My soul to keep! I would rather die!"

"So be it, then!"

But seeing his final bluff fail, the God-King relented it not repented. "Wait! Wait! I'll tell you my name."

"Tell us quick before we get a rope."

"OK, OK." The deceiver tried one final trick. "I'll tell you because I love the truth so much!"

"Well," taunted a now undeceived crowd. "We're waiting."

"Fine! Then by your own mirror be judged! Thy name is...Judas."

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