Friday, November 29, 2019

"Parasite", A Film Review

After seeing rave reviews calling the director as someone who is now among the cinematic greats after making this film plus with the added bonus of it being a class warfare movie, I just had to see "Parasite". I walked out halfway through, unable to stand the torture anymore as things only got worse and worse - and after reading how the film turns out, my instincts were right in leaving. It only got dumber and more absurd.

As with any movie dealing with this subject matter, I feared stereotypes and simple-minded knee-jerk observations. And that's ALL this film had to offer. So that gave it nowhere to go except into absurdity since it had nothing real to say. For the unenlightened, that made it "cutting edge". If someone were to make a true class warfare film, there would be howls of alleged outrage from conservative media. But this empty head-rattler is no threat.

Below is the review I left on IMDB:

A Textbook Film Of Pretentiousness

The opposite of a singer who sings with soul is a singer who sings *as if* they have soul. This movie was done *as if* it were a satire, *as if* it were making a statement, *as if* it has a deeper meaning. Instead, it's hollow at its core, mean-spirited, and pointless. It's a film for those like the idea of making a point but not having to suffer any uncomfortable truths.

The only good effect of this film is that it exposes the vacuity of those who praise it and their self-delusion. It's a barometer of the public's appetite for garbage. See this film only in the context of a sociology experiment and be shocked at how far we've fallen in our gullibility and how desperate we are not to face ourselves.


Most professional critics kissed its ass (only time I've seen more ass kissing was on "Force Awakens" travesty). But this guy gets it right:

Bong Joon-Ho's Acclaimed Satire 'Parasite' Has Nothing Much to Say

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