Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Modern Tales: Let's Shoot Whitey!

For some, more is never enough. Two dark-skinned fellows dressed in the finest of linen surveyed a neighborhood inhabited with white-skinned folks. Little did the whites know their property had been deemed "valuable" and thus it was time for them to go!

"Just like pulling weeds, isn't it, Mortimer? Got to get rid of the infestation for the flowers to grow."

"Well said, Randolph. Time to get rid of the last of the white niggers!"

Mortimer, gas can in hand, sauntered royally over to the first house spewing accelerant on the side of the house as a curious neighborhood couple watched.

"What ya think that man is doin', Jemima?"

"I nots know but dem is dark folks an' we need to be respectful of 'em," she whispered.

Randolph then walked over and casually set the house ablaze. An angry white man came rushing out into the yard just in time for the TV camera crew.

Mortimer gestured towards the screaming man as he spoke to the newsman. "You see, there's no living with this type of angry people. They are never satisfied, always wanting more, but instead of doing something about it, they just simply blame us innocent darks for all their problems. Outrageous how they stoke the flames of hatred!"

Cleaning up the neighborhood!

The neighborhood whites organized a protest which was quickly condemned by the dark-skinned. "They just need to be quiet! They keep causing trouble like this and something bad will happen, just you wait and see." And to ensure this, the dark-skins ordered the police to shoot a white protestor. "See! We warned you! We're trying to keep the peace but uppity whites won't let it happen."

Furious whites tried to make their case to a prejudiced public but their concerns were dismissed as the whites were labeled an "angry mob trying to score political points. Next thing you know they'll be saying Jesus was white!" Mortimer and Randolph claimed in reality they were the true victims, suffering unfair attacks and any outcry against them was simply sour grapes about their economic success.

Watching the debates on TV had Mortimer and Randolph howling with laughter as their bald-faced lies were repeated ad nauseum. Fueled by an argument of victimization, crackpot dark-skins savagely attacked the neighborhood whites until they were forced to flee (to someplace less valuable). Soon, wonderful (no whites allowed) condominiums were erected and everyone non-white lived happily ever after.

Another whitey complaining

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