Friday, August 23, 2019

Funeral For A Planet

"But we made the numbers work..."

It's nothing personal, Earth, just business. Someone once said you can't serve two masters but that person wasn't a businessman so no one listened. But get this: Nothing comes before business! If Nature gets in the way then Nature has to go! That's just good, commonsense economics. Idealism has its place but one has to be pragmatic and always, always, always put numbers first.

When one starts a business, no one asks: "Is it in tune with Nature and the universe?" That would be nuts and wholly irrelevant. Instead we ask: "Do the numbers work?" Numerology is our actual religion. It's called practical and real because it requires no conscience. Bring the conscience in and things go all to hell. Order must be maintained - and if we all believe in living a lie then living a lie maintains order.

Until we become extinct, of course.

The propaganda is so overwhelming and all-consuming at this point we barely blink an eye when we see it. Soothing commercials of pleasant lifestyles parade across our eyes nonstop, implying we've achieved civilization and the good life is out there waiting to be had. We have those living in false idealism, of "saving" the world in conjunction with our number worship. In our hearts we know we can't win going down this path - and it's eating us alive.

Colorado 1

I have been to the Lost Mountains and inhaled their ancient mystic dreams waiting for the inevitable release. Anyone can visit them but few seek them out. Most fear what they might find, of what they may see and hear from that which cannot be conquered by Man. Under the rumbling ground I felt the pockets of repressed love ready to explode. Once released, there will be no going back. Anything not in accordance with that love will be wiped out - numbers be damned for all eternity. Then we'll be forced to face that only Love is pragmatic and everything else is death.

This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

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