Saturday, July 20, 2019

Day Of The Base Jumper

I've got no way to live. Not possible for anyone to love me. I'm just a big nothing. What can I do! What can I do if there aren't any other losers like me out there???

The Creep slowly but inevitably stepped across the roof of the skyscraper. Peering over the edge he saw his fate. It's one thing to be unloved, he thought, it's something else to be unlovable. He never met a friend if he couldn't bribe them and never met a bribe he couldn't befriend. The entirety of his life had been one long series of retail transactions. "Say and pray" had been his mantra, pounded into himself night and day until he lost any perspective. "Say anything and pray they believe it."

I'm the biggest loser in the world. The biggest of all time! I must be Judas reincarnate.

Stepping onto the edge of the roof, truth and lies became opposites. To die was to live, to live was to die. He never did find a way to make his lies work for him - just as no other person in living history has. Living in constant terror of exposure (not knowing he was already exposed to anyone who looked), life had become unbearable, a ceaseless circus of distractions banning him from the paradise of peace: the outsider always yearning to be in. To end it is to win it.

Then a voice came down from below.


The voice gathered other voices to it.

"Hey, moron, you gonna dive offa there or what?"

"Make my day and splatter your ass on the sidewalk!"

"Don't be a coward full of chicken ambition. Show us what guts ya got!"

The Creep cocked his head in wonder. They love me! Listen to that sound. So earnest! And all for me!

He started clapping his little hands in mutual applause, his audience cheering him and he delighting in finding his long sought approval; a moment he'd been unknowingly preparing for all his life.

"I love you all!" he shouted out. "I'll show you I'm a man of the people. I'm coming down to join you!"

As the crowd roared its approval, a horrified woman walked by, appalled at the crowd's ravenous hate.

"Are you people out of your minds urging that man to throw his life away? You have no idea what you're doing. That's just deplorable."

"Ha ha, lady! That's us, alright, we're the deplorables! No one cares what you have to say. He's our hero! He makes us feel good about being morons."

Then they told her to leave or she'd be lynched because "we don't want anyone to know us."

The Creep was giddy seeing such dedicated support. "As long as I'm going to die anyway, I may as well burn this building down too. How about a simplistic mindless chant? Burn it down! Burn it down!"

The taunting masses exploded in response, lustily carrying cans of gasoline up to the roof. At long last they could take unjust revenge for the sorry state of their lives, praising with their lips the Creator they hated while cursing with their hearts the world they created. If they couldn't be happy then nobody could, terrorists and traitors all, feeding off the outrage of the godly, carrying the deluded convictions of a spurned lover. To them, hope was a word never to be uttered, never to be dreamed; the ultimate betrayal of their cause.

The Creep poured the gasoline down rooftop ventilation shafts, followed by lit matches. As the smoke billowed out he cackled in glee. "I can't wait to lie about this later!" The giggling monster at the top of the towering inferno gloried in the crowd's accolades. "We are the true victims!" he declared. "See how they fight us every step of the way, trying to put out our lovely fires and even saying I'll die from it? But I don't care what they say because so many people agree with me!"

Self-important talk shows posed questions on "how do we stop this madman?" The Creep and its supporters laughed as they watched the consternation they caused in those whom they wished the most to love them. The TV voices cried out, "We must call him out! People won't know he's doing evil otherwise. Now is the time to unify! We must be like a farmer who unites the wheat with the chaff so everyone can win."

As the flames engulfed the building, those who were trapped by the fire cried out for help from the windows, furious with the rooftop ruler. A reporter from Eyeballs News dangling upside down from a helicopter gave forum to the arsonist. When asked about his burning victims, the Creep replied, "I don't know these people. They're saying bad things about me for no reason. I tried to help put out the fire! I deserve an apology!" Then, fearing some may yet pay attention to his victims, the Creep pulled out his penis to create a distraction ("I'm going to tweet my meat!") which was quickly seized upon by a compliant media.

With the camera off his victims, the cult leader addressed his acolytes: "Do you hear their partisan complaints? So full of hate! They want to destroy us, they are so vicious! There's no living with them! Repeat after me: Rape! Torture! Kill! This is God's will!"

The angry swarm below religiously repeated the chant, faces glowing red in the reflecting flames. They too had been waiting all their lives, waiting to reveal their murderous intent, steeped in their philosophy of discontent. But fires consume oxygen and thus can't last forever. The crowing Creep was at its zenith, forced to leap as the building crumbled beneath him.

"They called me a fraud but as I make this jump you'll see the true winner that I am!"

The mob gave its loudest cheer yet. Intense media speculation and debate ensued as Creep supporters shoved their way on camera.

"He's the greatest of all time! You naysayers will be left with egg all over your face. Just you wait and see! All you goddam reporters trying to take him down with facts are going to be exposed in the end."

A woman passing by was asked of her opinion of the murdering arsonist creep. "I'm sorry, I just can't believe those awful things you say about him in the press. It's just too terrible to believe so it must not be true."

A random smart ass was asked next, but he only replied with, "Homo says what?" As the reporter reiterated the question the smart ass kept with the same response. Finally, the reporter dropped his professional stance. "Look, smart ass, I don't like getting played like that!"

"Why not? You been letting that creep play you."

A group calling themselves Creep's Angels congregated on the Creep's projected landing spot, loudly proclaiming, "We love the Creep and the Creep loves us! He'll never hurt us!"

Under his breath the smart ass retorted. "You're exactly whom he's going to hurt, morons."

The justice of doubted reality was served. The Creep landed on his godless angels, killing himself and everyone beneath him. History declared the Creep a "forever loser." Those who still cared about life burst into applause at the end of the reign of terror. Others committed suicide, following in the footsteps of their Judas leader. Never again was the Creep mentioned by any living soul.

CODA: Creep followers were undeterred in continuing the decline of civilization even in the face of death and history's humiliation. In the face of their unrepentance, a mother who'd lost a daughter in the Creep's fire lambasted them. "Your barbaric cruelty is evil without end - and evil has no future!"

"Lady, don't blame us because you're a loser. The world is evil and you're in it. So if evil has no future then neither do you."

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