Friday, June 07, 2013

Reconsidering MLK: A Total Piece of S#!T


Disclaimer: Recent news of massive government infringement violating the Fourth Amendment is not news to me. I've been writing for years about Americans selling their souls and self-respect. They want a police state as all conservatives do (only 10-15% of the population is liberal) and that's why this story will blow over as some esoteric furor signifying nothing. America is a nation of cowards and her withering silence will condemn her just as the burning of the Reichstag pushed the German morons into the safe arms of der Fuhrer.

So for the vast majority cheerleading this news by either outright glee or smirking silence, I think it's high time for a little revisionist history! Civil rights? We don't need no stinking civil rights!!

Some extremists want to eliminate ALL lynching parties. Better to compromise!

So what was that Martin Luther King guy whining about all those years? Stirring up trouble for no reason. Civil rights threaten us all! Free at last? Shit, freedom is the enemy! If we're free we'll be blown to bits! Panic in the streets! The sky is falling!

Admit it: you'd feel safer seeing soldiers march in the streets than this

Don't you bleeding heart liberals get it? Real Americans don't want their rights! Government angels have only our best interests at heart. Christ himself would blush in the face of their purity. That leash put upon you is the leash of life! Remember: they are everything and you are nothing!

The anti-MLK will keep you safe, comrade.

I was once hailed as a genius for stepping out from underneath a falling piano. "Gee, mister, I'd have never done that. I'd have to let it fall on me to know it would hurt." I understand most do not possess that rare wisdom. They insist if they lie to themselves hard enough the falling piano will do no harm! So take hope, dear liberals, and know stupid folks such as this will defiantly and stubbornly maintain their willfully blind positions and therefore die accordingly. Sweet!

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