Thursday, June 10, 2010

Should My 12 Year Old Drive On The Street?

Nobody cared until Ester wrecked. Now everyone's getting on their high horse as if they know what's best for her instead of me, her mother! How do you people expect to know what's best for my family unless you are of my family? No one can love my daughter like I do, you interlopers don't care at all.

Akeem came out of his house very much angry at the sight of the two women with their wrecked vehicle in the middle of the street. "You women have no right to be in this neighborhood! It used to be all men. You need to move away and everything will be fine!"

"My grandmother lived here long before you ever did so shut your mouth!"

"I want you gone! You women make me feel insecure and doubt my manliness."

"Whose fault is that, old man?"

Smithers showed up waving his accusing finger. "You have my dog! You have my dog! Give it back you cantankerous woman!"

"I'm keeping your dog as security. Anything happens to me and mine and the dog gets it!"

"You keep him prisoner in your yard. He suffers in all innocence."

"You threw a brick through my window. It's your own damn fault I took it. I'll treat it like I damn well please. It's only through an understanding of mutual distrust and blackmail can we achieve peace."

The cat doesn't want the dog back

Officer Bob pulled up shaking his head. "You can't let your 12-year-old drive your car on the street, madam."

"You sexist bastard! You wouldn't say that if it had been a boy driving. You men all stick together."

"The sex of the child has no bearing. She has no legal right to do what she did."

"Don't give me your legal bullshit! It's all men in this neighborhood and my daughter and I have to survive the best way we can. You're a man, you wouldn't know anything about that!"

Smithers sauntered doggedly to the policeman. "Officer! I cannot talk to this woman. Tell her to give me my dog back!"

The officer sighed. "The only way to work that out is between yourselves. But we can council and sign some papers that resolve nothing so I can play the impartial hero."

Ester's mother vowed never to back down ever for any reason. "My daughter must learn to drive if she is to live in this man's world of yours. You've picked on us long enough! Never again! We live by different rules than mere reality."

Middle East piece!

Jesus wandered up the road, his head bowed, grieved by the contention. Looking at the bruised and battered daughter, he stated his concern. "Dear lady, your daughter might have been killed. What is the future in that?"

"Don't bring your religious crap in here! Religion is the cause of all our problems. You can't save anybody with your stupid propaganda. God is already on our side."

Jesus knew her propaganda before she posed it. "I offer you love so that you may live. Apart, we die. Together, we live. Can any of you truly tell me now what you are doing is living?"

An uneasy silence blanketed the group, trapped by their desire to be loved - the one and only issue of mankind's history. Shamed by Jesus and his words of truth, they raised their eyes to look into his, speaking in unison: "If that is love then give us death!"

The GREAT Lesley Gore!

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