Wednesday, June 30, 2010

America In A Nutshell

Like all things great, it started with a dream. Brave is the pioneering soul who says, "There is a better way" and then seeks it. One step closer to love...

Ancient Rome ruled the world. "No man shall be emperor" she declared. "A Republic we be." But the power and riches of her better way corrupted her heart and soul, rotting her from within...

Accusing and losing souls mocked democracy, a fool's errand of the naive and unrealistic they proclaimed. Even we were scared, declaring non-entities may not participate. Non-entities such as women, non-landowners and those enslaved...

On two paths we traveled: of love of freedom and love of money. Along the way, the two forces would clash, for a man can serve only one master. But we kept the light alive, even if never taking the final step...

Alas, we replaced our king with a god - and it bade us rape all we see. From Indians to the land to the sea, trust the money god to set it all right. Our motto changed: "What is life without freedom money?"

"Who can argue with the money god? It built this great land!" Like ancient Rome, none could match our power, but we forgot what brought us to such soaring heights. It was the good life for us, keeping a blind eye on the new slaves we created, revelling in our empire...

But like so many nations before us, our own perversions eat us alive, twisting reality that death is life, war is peace and lies are truth. We can tell ourselves we're still on freedom's path but if we are not, we'll be no less enslaved and no less dead.

What you see above is the lining wall for a gas well. A variance was approved to allow it so close to the homes. Myopia is taking over:

FORT WORTH -- Two years ago, hundreds of people packed City Hall and pressured the City Council to turn down a permit for a natural gas well site because it was 225 feet from houses.

Flash forward to 2010. The council has approved three permits in the last six months for gas sites that are even closer -- 160 to 200 feet. More are on the way.

You see, you don't have to worry about you or your kids being blown up if you're making money. At first we fight for our lives, and then we surrender. Now, ain't that America in a nutshell?


Having read about the high impact urban gas wells, I went and took a few pics of my own, including the one above. Here are a few others:

Gas wells are worked on 24/7 until drilling is complete.

Not much to see when completed.

Not far from the street! Orange netting marks a pipe outlay.

Frac wells drill sideways and use millions of gallons
of rapidly disappearing Texas water.

This is what it looks like when a gas pipeline explodes


America, you're the poet in my heart.
Why did you have to lose faith?

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