Sunday, February 11, 2007

How To Make a Terrorist Happy

Angry with the moon;
Man shaking fist in the night,
Searching for lost dreams.

I hate me. I hate you. I hate my whole fucking, miserable life! And it's your evil that's to blame. I'm gonna get you, world. I'm gonna get you good! Soon, I will be your god. I'll be the one making the rules and you will be living in slavery, not me. This misery is unbearable, I can't stand to carry it alone. I've got to win at any cost.

Where is relief in hell? How can I keep feeding the monster that devours me? I need fresh pieces of life to chew and spit into the flames. The need is eternal. Feed me more! Feed me more! My only respite from the burning is sucking the life from you. Make me happy, world, feed me your lives. Turn away from the truth!

I scour your lives for bites to live on. I hear you say, "We are at war!" and I say, Yes! Yes!, always believe that! Never turn away from war! We will get you if you do. Mobilize your army, build your war machine, take pride in it. That like no other brings me hope for victory. It is chaos that brings me power. Please, please, keep war alive.

Shoot blindly, for one may be your enemy. Excellent! Kill them all! You think you can win but you cannot. The enemy is you! But you love your war machine too much too ever let it go. So eager you are to call it good and holy. If I ever see you lose your taste for war, I will bring it back, my sheep. I will keep you blindly maiming and killing in mad fear. I know where you live. Keep hate alive.

The panic in your hearts brings joy to my panic-filled sorrow. My minions spread fear and outrage within you. They hide as patriots, always assuring you of safety. Hehehe. I see them shove my diet of hysteria down your throats. Not all swallow but the hysterical voice is hard to drown out. They preach that you must defeat "the enemy". My precious fools, your outrage is my best friend. Keep fear alive.

It's the living of life I hate the most. I still see too many carefree souls and that singes me to insufferable torment! No! No! I was not a fool to throw those things away! Shut up, you! Shut the goddam hell up! I'm burning! I'm burning alive! Please stop! Dear God, I'm begging you, please stop...

You all think you're better than me because your life is so much better. Well, that's about to change. You too will live in fear and torment, never knowing when pain might strike. Fuck all your happiness. Your agony is my ecstasy. I'm not going to be alone in this. Your hearts will turn black also. And if I wanna keep winning I need only keep sinning. This is my chokehold on the world -

Hey, wait! Where you going? Come back! Don't ignore me! Don't leave me to myself! Leaving means I won! I broke your will to fight, coward! Listen to what I want! Fight me! Fight me forever! I'll keep coming until you do! ...Peace is my only fear.

1 comment:

Mama Lou said...

Peace doesn't make a very good recruiting tool, does it?