Saturday, October 07, 2006

America is Dead - Long Live America!

As Ceasar triumphantly paraded through the streets of Rome, the crowds cheered wildly. I wonder who among them knew they cheered their own death? For this was the beginning of the end, when the Romans turned their backs on the democratic principles that had made them mighty. In America today, we too believe we are invincible. It is our death warrant.

If a see a man on the road to Damascus, then I say, "He is on the road to Damascus." It does not mean he is in Damascus, but simply on that path. What is the point of saying he is on the road to elsewhere? People have said I am doom and gloom in my outlook, but again, why say something other than what I see? We are on the path to self destruction. My saying this is the only gift I have to offer.

Tonight I saw a film on war profiteering in Iraq. I saw the sobbing families as they bitterly spoke how corporations had put profits before the lives of their loved ones. Well, honey, welcome to America, where if you ain't a capitalist, you're a communist. Where are the tears for the homeless who die from the cold, or the uninsured refused medical care or the children of the houseless? Profits are put before people everyday. The mistake is in falsely calling ourselves good.

One of the surviving men spoke of his trusting the corporation because it was a "Fortune 500 company." How he wanted to "do good" and "serve his country". But the wrongness of this war of greed and the wrongness of profits over people is out there for us to see every day. See it and survive. See yourself as love - that's your fucking job.

What is the world but a collection of souls? And thus, in the end, our souls determine our fate. Souls are saved with love. And what have we built on love? So kiss your ass goodbye. It didn't have to be this way.

(Stings like a bitch, don't it.)

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