Thursday, December 15, 2022

My Twitter Account Got Suspended

Got the email notification today. Funny part, of course, is that I've never had a Twitter account. But that did not seem to matter. According to the message, "Elon is butt hurt" over my not having an account and that he "takes it very personal [sic]" that I shun his platform and he is lodging a "formal protest." It went on to say he "cries himself to sleep at night" over my absence. Who knew? In a post script he begged, "You can criticize me all day long just so long as you don't say anything bad. Free speech forever!"

In related news, a man sauntered out of his lower middle class apartment today completely nude with full erection. As he began to masturbate in the parking lot, he declared he was making a protest. Of what, no one was exactly sure. Some said he must be protesting not having a girlfriend while others insisted he did have a girlfriend. Rumors abounded. The reactions of women who observed the event ranged from indifference to "my life is ruined."

In further protests, Russian army recruits turned on their officers and shot them dead. Every officer who insisted they keep shooting was shot until finally a few who were more rational realized it was in their best interest to keep their mouth shut. However, no generals nor the Russian leader survived the protest as they had been "all in" on killing. At that point the soldiers returned home and were never ordered to shoot again.

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